Tiny Pretty Things series 1 review - Dance Saturday

Hello everybody and welcome back to another blog post, 

Recently, I watched series 1 of Tiny Pretty Things. It's a Netflix series that is centred around ballet and dance, and it also stars Brennan Clost who played Daniel on the Next Step, my favourite TV show growing up. Tiny Pretty Things first aired last year and since then, I have heard a lot of people talking about it so I thought that I would give it a go and provide you with my very own review. 

To give you guys a brief synopsis of the plot, in the series one of the dancers called Cassie from the ballet academy in Chicago (where the series is set), gets pushed off of the roof of the academy by an unknown attacker. Although she survives this attack, Cassie is found in coma inside the hospital, with doctors unsure as to whether she will survive. Due to Cassie's condition, she gets replaced in the company by another dancer called Neveah. No one in the company initially welcomes Neveah as they all feel intimidated by her talent. However, Shane (who is played by Brennan Clost), is the only dancer in the company who is willing to give her the time of day. The series continues with more plot twists, more deceit, and more deception as police officers grapple to find out who pushed Cassie off the roof.


Overall, I largely enjoyed watching series 1 of Tiny Pretty Things. If I were to compare the on goings of the ballet world, as depicted in the series, to reality, I would say that the series perhaps portrayed ballet a little bit unrealistically. Nevertheless, I found that the drama in the episodes made for an excellent form of entertainment, and it was really the drama that spurred me on to watching all the episodes in the series. I loved the gothic and slightly spooky nature of the series as I think that it went really well with all the ballet that they included in the series. I also became super attached to some of the romantic relationships that developed throughout the storyline. Neveah and Oren's pas de deux at the beginning, had so much chemistry and I was so happy that they eventually chose each other in the end. My only criticism of the series was that it had a bit too many explicit scenes for my liking. I understand that it kind of went with the nature of the narrative, but I felt at times it was a little unnecessary. 

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However, I couldn't fault the dancer's talent. Every routine on the show, was so well choreographed, I have to give credit to that too.

Have you watched Tiny Pretty Things? Let me know in the comments below and I'll be sure to reply to them. I ♡ hearing from you!

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See you next time, 


XOX, Juliette 

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