Goodbye little Miss Roast ... - Writing Wednesday

Hello everybody and welcome back to another blog post, 

First, we began with three...And then there were two...

Unfortunately, on Monday evening, one of our dear little chickens Roast, was captured and taken by Mr Fox, who had been patrolling the field just outside our garden for quite some time now. I was sitting in my room when my sister called out to me saying that she heard a scuffle in the garden. When we finally ran down to the patio to see what was going on, Sunday was up on the picnic table and Parsnip was pacing up and down the patio, the two of them squarking towards the hedges. Clearly Mr Fox had paid them a visit, spooked the chickens, and taken Roast.

At first, we were not entirely sure if Roast was attacked or if she ran away in a fright so me, my sister, and my dad walked up and down the garden and across the field to see if she was there. My dad even walked down the field to one of our neighbour's gardens (the chickens favourite place to escape during the day) to see if she was there but our neighbours said that they hadn't seen anything. Usually, when we can't find the chickens, we are able to get them back but unfortunately this time, Roast was nowhere to be found. We saw a fox run across the field so we guessed that she wasn't coming back 😨.

I know that when you get chickens, you've got to accept the fact that they are prey animals and they could be killed one day but this event still came as a surprise to everyone in my family. Usually, when a Fox attacks a chicken, it's quite messy and there's quite a lot of carnage but when me and my sister ran down to the patio to see what was going on, there was no trace of Roast anywhere. I guess that because the chickens were all out in the garden, Sunday and Parsnip had the chance to escape whereas Roast was taken quite easily. Harsh, but nature has harsh ways of telling us that it's still largely in control.

Roast was just a chicken but recently she has been so nice that it's kind of difficult to come to terms with the fact that she's been taken by the fox. I know that I wrote that funny post earlier on this year about Roast being a little bit broody and mean to the other chickens, but recently she has been such a good egg, she really has made quite the U-turn 😂💜. She's been staying close to us when we've sat outside and ate our lunch, and I've been quite happily feeding her some of my chickpeas off of my plate to make her happy. She wasn't hanging out with Sunday and Parsnip whilst they dangerously wandered off into the abyss, she's actually grown to be quite sensible. Obviously, looking back, she must have been acting that way because she saw the fox and she wanted us to protect her. We all feel pretty bad for not keeping closer tabs on her in retrospect 😫.

It does feel weird to have two chickens now as it feels as though there's a void that was once filled by Roast for the past year 😔. We are hoping to get another chicken to fill the space. My sister was thinking of calling it Roast Potato in memory of Roast and I suggested that her shorter name should be Potato because that's cute 🙃🙃.

Today we've left the chickens inside for the day because the fox is probably still patrolling the area. My dad will be I stalling an electric fence so that our chickens won't stray too far this time and so that they are better protected. We wanted our chickens to be free range and have a free life which is why we let our chickens walk around the garden. This time, our chickens will still have an area to walk around in but it won't be as vast as the whole garden or even the field. It feels quite mean to do that but we want to at least try and prevent another incident like this from happening again. I will keep you updated on the latest developments. 

In the meantime, here are some memorable images of Roast. I hope that you enjoy!

Do you have chickens? Have you ever experienced problems with foxes? Let me know in the comments below and I'll be sure to reply to them. I ♡ hearing from you!

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See you next time, 


XOX, Juliette 

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