5th of November (Guy Fawkes Night) celebrations after lockdown - Lifestyle Monday

Hello everybody and welcome back to another blog post,

I was going to make the title of this blog post "5th of November celebrations after Covid" but, rather unfortunately, I realised that we're not quite out of the woods yet in terms of this pandemic. 😔 As a result, I decided that it would be better to make the title of this blog post instead "5th of November celebrations after lockdown" as that is the truth! After a year of ups and downs, it was nice to have some friends over to see the first fireworks since the start of Covid. Last year, there were no fireworks and no parties because obviously the climate was a lot different to how it is now. However, on Friday and on the exact 5th of November date, we were able to see the fireworks which was amazing. If you follow my Instagram story, you would have seen that my dad made a massive bonfire and we watched the beautiful display of fireworks from our garden. Me and my family are very privileged to be able to live next to a primary school because for every 5th of November celebration, we don't have to travel far or pay a ticket to go see them, they're just right on our doorstep! For everyone who lives on my street this is something that they do too! As we had two young children over, they were pretty excited to see the fireworks too. During the display, they specifically marvelled over the big explosive fireworks and chorused a rather anticlimactic sigh when they saw the baby fireworks that didn't make too much of a noise. 🤣💜 Their mother said to them "you've got to appreciate all the fireworks, even the little ones!" I looked as the situation unfolded itself with a nostalgic air. It was clear though that the display did not fail to disappoint and the school definitely made up for the lack of fireworks last year. After watching the fireworks, we made our way inside. Me and my sister played some games with the children (which quickly got out of hand) and then we had dinner. For dinner, we had a spicy sausage casserole dish with beans on the side and it was delicious. For the rest of the evening, I attempted to entertain the young children with video games (aka, the easy way out when you don't have any other ideas)! They seemed to enjoy playing Minecraft and other games with me which was great so I felt relieved. I went to bed early as I had a pretty long day that day but it was a great evening and a great 5th of November after lockdown!

How did you celebrate the 5th of November this year? Let me know in the comments below and I'll be sure to reply to them. I ♡ hearing from you!

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See you next time, 


XOX, Juliette 

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