
Showing posts from January, 2018

How to be a good role model

Hello Jujubears and welcome to another blog post, Today I am going to be giving you guys some tips on how to be a good role model. If you would like to see some more information about being a role model or would just like to see the differences between being a model and a role model, then check out my blog post here- . Now, let's get on to the tips: Work out who you are. As I mentioned in my other blog post, a role model showcases the talents of themselves in the hopes to inspire others to be themselves. So in order to do that, you've got to find out who you are. Show others your confidence. Remember, your trying to show others how to be themselves and for that you need to have confidence in yourself so that can radiate on other people too. A good role model can require you to help the people who are perhaps struggling with something. It's important that you also radiate good behavi...

My Asian bear collection!

Hello Jujubears and welcome to another blog post, Today I am going to be showing you my Asian bear collection. All of these bears except 1 are from Comic-con. The one which is not from Comic-con is Totoro. Now, I'm not sure if you're familiar with the movie 'My neighbor Totoro' but it's basically about these two sisters, Satsuke and Mei who move to the countryside and find this strange creature and decide to call it Totoro. This is my favourite anime by studio Ghibli and one that I would definitely recommend. But anyway, my family knew how much I loved it so they decided to get me a plushie of it as a Christmas present. Here is what it looks like. The next is this huge hamster plushie that I got from Comic-con. This is soo cool because it works as a bag and a teddy. I must also add that my sister got me this so many thanks to her! She will get annoyed if I don't mention her! So than you Alice. Here is what it looks like. The next one, all fro...

Picking your own life

Hello everybody and welcome to another blog post, Today, I am going to be talking about picking your own path and route. Recently, I have been to a year 9 options evening for my GCSE's at school. We got this big introduction about how we must keep up good grades to continue the school's success in final exams. However, I think that the most important piece of information was that we must pick the subjects we want and not what our best friend wants. That is what I'm going to talk about today. For example, when I'm older, I want to become a dancer. To do this, I must take certain subjects. Now, if I were to take my friend's choices of subjects that perhaps fit their future job then I probably won't reach my goal. I like to think of this like shoes. E.g. when you're a ballerina, you have to get the right pointe shoes that fit you best in order to be the best ballerina you can be. But if you had on your friend's pointe shoes, then you probably won't da...

Being a model and role model are two separate things

Hello Jujubears and welcome to another blog post, Today I am going to be talking about the differences between models and role models and why we might get the two mixed up. I was recently reading Anne Frank's diary and she brought up how her parents wanted her to be the model child. At first, I thought it made sense but on second glance, I realised that it didn't. For example, we consider models to be figures in photos and magazines like Vogue. All models are doing is promoting something that they don't own. So by saying someone is or has to be a model child, it's implementing that they have to represent something that they don't own ; something that isn't them. To me, this makes sense and answers a lot of difficult questions. When we look at magazines, we look at something someone else has and try to fit it with our own body type. However, because it's not ours, it will never work. But because we associate the word model as someone to look up to, we keep ...

Feminism-my take 🙅

Hello Jujubears and welcome to another blog post, Today I am going to be talking about feminism. Recently, I was watching a bunch of Buzzfeed videos on YouTube about feminism. One of the workers, Devin Lytle, was talking about how she is a feminist. I think that she and another co-worker were talking about how women get paid less than men. Now, I totally agree with the fact that women should be paid the same amount as men because we do state that we live in an equal society and it's not exactly equal when one gender is being paid more than the other for the same job. However, what I disagreed with was that they were saying that women should be paid more than men. Technically, that isn't equal either. Personally, I would ask, "why should women be paid more than men?" and "what makes women better?". I bet that no woman would be able to answer these questions. This is because women aren't better than men nor are men better than women. Why do we have to ha...

A little bit about Monodon monoceros (narwhals) 🐋

Hello Jujubears and welcome to another blog post, Today, I want to talk about one of my favourite animals in the world, the narwhal. Pay close attention to the 'one of my' since I love every single animal but this is just one of my faves. I remember getting a teddy narwhal two Christmases ago. My dad kindly got me to sponsor a narwhal and in return I got the teddy. What a great Christmas present idea! Anyway, here are some facts about narwhals- Their actual name is Monodon monoceros. They eat fish,shrimp and squid They live in the Atlantic in the Arctic Threats-hunting,climate change and industrial activities You can find out more info on the WWF website here- Do you know a lot about narwhals? Let me know in the comments below, See you next time, Bye Links: My instagram📷- My book review blog📓-

Time is precious

Hello Jujubears and welcome to another blog post, Today, I will be talking about time. Yesterday evening, me and my family were talking about this at the table. We were talking about how my mum always cooks even when she is busy. Most people when they are busy order a take away or buy ready-made meals. It shocks me how everyone has the same 24 hours in a day but some manage even when they are busy to cook. Do people cook because they have time or just can be bothered? Nowadays, we have a rich source of information all around us. So we have the power to look up 5 minute meals or even meal prepping. Technically, there is no excuse. So why don't people do it. There's a saying that the people who are bothered and who are dedicated will always find the time to do something. Time is precious so don't waste it, What do you spend most of your time doing? Let me know in the comments below. See you next time, Bye Links: Instagram📷- ...

How can we help our planet?-Juju

Hello Jujubears and welcome to another blog post, As you can tell by the title of today's blog post, I am going to talk about 10 different and easy ways we can help our planet. So why help our planet? It's a common and fair question to ask. I am no expert but I do know that our planet is currently building up these gases called green house gases. These can consist of carbon dioxide and methane gas but there are many others to. These gases can be detrimental to our planet since they can cause our earth to heat up or cause extreme climate changes. Think about it, if our earth heats up, there will be no ice for our polar bears to live on and we will loose a lot of other animals we know today. Why can't animals adapt to their environment? If you know/believe in the theory of evolution, you will know that that evolution is the adaptation of animals characteristics and behaviour to suit their environment.  Animals are adapting to their environment as we speak...

Is fear all in your head?

Hello everybody and welcome to another blog post, Recently, me,my mum and my sister watched a documentary on people who have a stammer. Honestly, it wasn't the easiest thing to watch. It's awful to know that people get bullied at school or in public because they can't simply say what's on their mind. This makes people with a stammer feel even more trapped. So trapped in fact that they stop talking to anyone. Making them feel isolated.  However, to me it was amazing how a simple speech therapy,controlling your breathing and calming down, can change how a person speaks in a matter of days. This makes me think. Is it all in their head. I don't mean this in a bad way but for so long these people have felt isolated all because someone has explicitly pointed out that they are different. However in the speech therapy, they have learnt to be in control. For so long they have let their own fear be in control of them. It must me an amazing feeling to finally be in control o...

Why can't people use direct language?

Hello Jujubears and welcome to another blog post, Today I am going to be talking about direct language. Now, I don't mean overly direct to the point when everything you say is literal but I just mean say it how it is. For example, today I was learning about euthanasia in RE. Now, instead of saying euthanasia is when someone wants to die, the RE teacher said that it's when someone wants to end their life. I really do not understand why people are so frightened to say die when surely in a case like euthanasia, that's what the person wants and feels like. Let's take another example. Soldiers from the first world war used to come back with a mental disease called shell shock. This was and is due to the intensity of the fighting and the war in general. What I don't understand is why people now call it posttraumatic stress disorder (PSD). That phrase does not tell people what it's really like to be in that mental state. So why do we use indirect language? Comment ...

Dancing 101

Hello Jujubears and welcome to another blog post, Today I'm going to be talking through some tips on how to become a dancer. I know, from experience, that dance is a very intimidating world to enter but I hope that by reading through some of my tips, you will be a lot more confident. By the way, I will not be doing a December favourites because most of the stuff that will be included you've already seen in the what I got for Christmas 2017. Hope you understand. So let's get started.👉 Watch and learn- Its better to see someone do something wrong and you learning from it than for you to actually make the mistake. I often do this when we're doing corner work because you can learn from each other. Learning from your own mistakes- now I know that this is contradicting what I previously said but you are going to make mistakes when you are starting out, it's just important that you learn from your mistakes. Focus on a particular move or trick- sometimes in dance, ...

10 facts about me

Hello Jujubears and welcome to another blog post, Today I am going to be talking about me. I've realised that its nearly been a year since I started my blog and not once have I introduced myself properly! So I apologise for that. So let's get on to some facts about me! My nationality is a bit complicated. Basically, I am half French, quarter English and quarter Japanese. I know quite a mouthful! My mum is fully French so that make me half French. My dad is half Japanese and half English so that makes me quarter Japanese and quarter English. I would like to take a proper DNA test in the future though. You never know, I could have more nationalities. If you don't know already, I am thirteen years old. I am a summer baby. I was born on the fourth of July 2004. America's independence day! I can't believe that I will be fourteen this year and going on to year 10. I've been dancing for 6 years and a bit. I say and a bit because I did do ballet when I was a lot ...

Look back on 2017!

Hello everybody and welcome back to another blog post, I would just like to say a massive thank you to my audience. You have been a great support throughout the year. When I started blogging, I didn't even think anyone would read my posts. It's a nice feeling to know that you have an audience which loves your posts. Anyway, enough of me rambling, let's get on to the blog post. I guess, the first thing which I loved about 2017 was starting my blog. My mum recommended it to me for ages and then one day, when we went on a little holiday to Norfolk, I started my blog. My first post was called Norfolk dreams which was about what I had for dinner one night! It was a big hit for me at the time and I couldn't be more happy! This wasn't exactly something I loved but the next thing which definitely plays a stark reminder in 2017 was starting jazz dancing. I did unfortunately stop because the people at the studio weren't exactly the nicest (as I explained in my ...


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