
Showing posts from November, 2019

Chris and Karen's Paso doble and Alex and Neil's Argentine tango - Dance Saturday

Hello everybody and welcome back to another blog post, I feel like there have been really two dancers on this series of Strictly Come Dancing who are maybe not the best dancers but who put 110% effort and have really come a long way since week 1. I never knew that Chris could pull off a serious dance like the Paso doble until I saw his dance on Saturday. His movements could have been neater but there weren't really any major mistakes. I also think the Alex has really come out of her shell since week 1 and she has grown in confidence. Despite some technical accuracies, she pulled off a really nice Argentine tango for her ability. Really there's a lot to talk about and I hope you enjoy reading it all! Chris really managed to keep a serious face throughout the whole routine he did with Karen. For a comedian, his acting skills were on point. He really got into character and he really got a feel for the intensity of the music. He also led Karen really well, throughout the dance,...

All about Michael Bennett - Writing Wednesday

Hello everybody and welcome back to another blog post, Today, I'm going to be sharing some of the information about my second logbook on A Chorus Line. I had to research about Michael Bennett for some of this, as he was the director and choreographer of this well-known musical. Some of you may find this helpful to use as a draft and some of you may just find it interesting to learn about someone who you probably didn't know about. Either way, enjoy! Michael Bennett was an American musical theatre director, choreographer, writer, and dancer, who grew up in Buffalo, New York. He studied dance and choreography in his late teens and starred in musicals in his high school. However, despite his education, he taught himself how to dance primarily and that was what made him a relate to the dancers later ,  in the musical, A Chorus Line. He dropped out of school at sixteen to join a road company of West Side Story, playing Baby John , touring the US and Europe .  However, hi...

How I spent my free weekend - 1 Year To Get To College - (Post 8) - Lifestyle Monday

Hello everybody and welcome back to another blog post, Pixabay Mocks are finally over; this weekend I could finally have a break from revision. I basically did nothing on Saturday. In the morning, I had two toasted bagels with butter for breakfast. Is it just me or do toasted bagels taste amazing?! It's the same with hot buttered toast with white bread. Admittedly, its not as healthy as brown bread but it tastes great! I sat and ate my breakfast and watched TV. I took my time to get ready in the morning and for the rest of the day, I basically just sat and watched Netflix. I finished watching the last episodes released if season 4 of Riverdale. It was so good. I think it's good to do nothing every once in a while because it's not healthy just to keep doing revision and work all the time as your brain will just get tired. I think that I learnt a lot about myself in these mocks and I do think that I really tried to bulk down my work and to be honest it was affecti...

Karim and Kelvin's scores of 39. How can they make it to 40? - Dance Saturday

Hello everybody and welcome back to another blog post, Last Saturday was Blackpool, where all the celebrity dancers went to perform at one of the most iconic places for ballroom dance. There were a lot of amazing dances and you could tell that everyone really tried to raise the bar. However, there were two dancers that went above and beyond and both had a score of 39. Many thought that this would be Craig's first ten given out this series but he gave these dancers both a 9! Today, I'm going to be talking about Karim and Amy's Charleston and Kelvin and Oti's jive and how they can improve further to get Craig's ten that they both deserve. When Kelvin announced that he was doing a jive for Blackpool, I wasn't entirely certain if he would have been able to have pulled it off because you have to be so light on your feet and he's quite a muscular guy. However, the jive that I saw last Saturday, was amazing! It was proper old school and it very much embraced th...

Its not the overall outcome that matters, but how you choose to deal with it - 1 Year To Get To College (Post 7) - Writing Wednesday

Hello everybody and welcome back to another blog post, I think anyone is their own harshest critic. Despite the amount of effort I try to put in, I feel like it sometimes doesn't get me anywhere. Today, I had a maths test and a physics test and both of them didn't go terrible but they didn't go amazingly well either. Especially in physics as I've put a lot of effort into learning all the equations needed but I feel like it didn't help that much in the end. It was a hard paper to be honest and everyone found it difficult but I didn't do amazing in physics last time so I'd kind of hoped that I'd do a bit better this time. However, it wasn't exactly the outcome I'd hoped for in the end but I can be a bit hard on myself at times because I want to raise the bar higher and higher each time and make myself improve. Whatever my score is, I'm determined not to let it phase me because at the end of the day, you've only lost if you've given up...

His Dark Materials review - Lifestyle Monday

Hello everybody and welcome back to another blog post, Recently, I've been watching the new BBC series called, His Dark Materials. I believe that this was originally a book by Phillip Pullman, which was eventually made into this new series. Ever since the end of the amazing series, Merlin, me and my family have been desperately trying to find another period piece that would match up to it. Firstly it was Atlantis but that didn't go the way the producer s wanted it to go so there was this long period where there wasn't really a good series to watch. However recently, there has been the Welsh series, Keeping Faith, that has been really popular, and now His Dark Materials. Let me tell you, it is so good. At first, you think that the plot is a bit weird because it's set in the past but there's sort of elements of fantasy involved. Then, as you go through the story, the plot builds and you get more involved in each character's story. Each character has this sort of...

Improvements for Karim and Amy's Viennese waltz, Alex and Neil's jive, and Emma and Anton's jazz routine - Dance Saturday

Hello everybody and welcome back to another blog post, Today, I'm going to be talking about Karim and Amy's Viennese waltz, Alex and Neil's jive, and Emma and Anton's jazz routine. I know that Karim's dance didn't go as planned because Karim was a bit nervous last Saturday but there are definite areas where he can improve and hopefully do better next time. I'm also going to talk about Alex and Neil's jive as I feel as though Alex is really improving as a dancer and we can see her personality shine through in more and more of her dances. Lastly, I'm also going to talk about Emma and Anton's amazing jazz routine, as I thought that it was really her style of dance.  Last Saturday, I thought that Karim had a breakdown. I think that everyone in the audience knew that he could dance better than he did. However, it's like Motsi said, he's got to stop letting the pressure get to him. I feel like the Viennese waltz has been the most difficult ...

Controlling monarchy and powerful dictatorships, is there really a difference? - Writing Wednesday

Hello everybody and welcome back to another blog post, Apart from revising for the mock exams, in history we've also been learning the first part to our new course, Power, Monarchy, and Democracy. We're currently learning about Medieval history from Aethelred the Unready, as an Anglo-Saxon king, to arrogant kings like King John, who signed the Magna Carta. At first, I thought that there was a massive comparison between what we were learning about as part of our year 10 course on Nazi Germany and now but I realise that that was simply not the case. We seem to talk a lot about monarchy being one thing and dictatorship being another when in reality, there isn't really much difference between Hitler and Stalin who were two powerful dictators, and King Richard II, who believed he was divinely chosen by God to be king. In my opinion, a dictatorship is just a monarchy born from democracy and a monarchy is just an inherited family dynasty. Both in the past, have been seen, exploi...

I let stress get the better of me - 1 Year To Get To College (Post 6) - Lifestyle Monday

Hello everybody and welcome back to another blog post, I don't really know what has been the difference between these recent mock exams, in comparison to the ones in year 10, but I've been really feeling the pressure and I've found it difficult to control my nerves. I've been doing a lot of revision, online and in my revision guides and I know that deep down, I know the content for the majority of my subjects but for some reason, it literally feels like I know absolutely nothing at all. I know it's not true but this week, I did let the stress get the better of me and it really showed. I'm part French and I know my second language fluently but on my recent speaking exam, I just had a complete mind blank and I honestly felt like crying in the exam. I wasn't even stressed about the French exam, I was just stressed about everything else and I couldn't even think of a way to extend my answers further.  Long story short, I went home and I cried to my mum bec...


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