A short diary entry from me: Going to sixth form for the first time - Lifestyle Monday

Hello everybody and welcome back to another blog post,

On Thursday, I had my first day of school at my sixth form college. I was quite nervous because I didn't know what to expect and it was going to be a new environment for me to be in. This was especially enhanced by the 6 month lockdown period that meant I couldn't go to proper school for the whole time and so stepping into a new building and embracing a new way of life was definitely difficult for me. Although I knew I was finished, I felt like I still needed to go back to secondary school because I never really had time to say goodbye properly or formulate that I wasn't going to study at secondary school anymore. 

However, bravely, I woke up on Thursday, had my breakfast, got ready, and got in the car with my dad to go to college. I arrived at 10:00am and signed my name on the register before putting on my mask, sanitising my hands, and going into the hall for assembly. Since we weren't allowed to change and since I didn't know what I was going to do that day, I wore some leggings, a t-shirt, and a hoodie in case I had dance but it came apparent to me after the assembly, that this was merely going to be an induction day to introduce us to the school. We met all the teachers and tutors in the assembly and we were briefed through the school curriculum and ethos so that we had a basic understanding of how things would begin to work around the school. 

After that, we had quite a long break where I started talking to a few people. I was initially talking to people I knew and to the people who went to my school but after they decided to go to the park to spend the rest of break, I stood alone for a bit until a really nice girl from Slovakia came up to me and started talking. It turned out that she was in my tutor group too and so I hung out with her for the rest of the day because we were going to be in similar places. 

After break, we went to our tutor groups where we were given our timetables and got our accounts set up on the computer system. I was quite shocked at first when I saw my timetable because I thought that I was going to have ridiculously long days and that I wouldn't have time to do anything. My timetable for my dance classes at my studio changed as well so both street and ballroom and Latin happen on Thursday and that just so happens to be my busiest school day so that is something that I'll have to sort out ASAP because it's impossible to do absolutely everything. However, after having some proper lessons on Friday, I soon realised that, although they consist of a lot of hard work, the subjects are really enjoyable to do so that kind eased the pressure a bit more.

Once we were introduced to our tutor groups, we dismissed for lunch. Everyone had to bring their own packed lunch because of reasons to do with the transmission of the virus but I kind of missed making my own lunch so this was feasible for me. We ate lunch and I was also able to use the toilet during this free time. There were only 2 people allowed in the toilet at a given time but it turned out not to be that much of a hassal.

Where I met my other friends though was in the treasure hunt that we had at the end of the day. After our second assembly on culture and school change, we were put into groups with people from our tutor groups to do a treasure hunt around the school and that's where I met some more friendly faces. I met two girls from Cambridge, another from Italy, and another girl from Poland. Yes, this is an international sixth form college so you meet a variety of different people but it was very interesting to find out some more about them. We were not very good at looking for the places around the school but I guess it was just to get us to know where everything was and in that case, it definitely helped.

On Friday, we had some more introductory sessions and we had our student ID photos taken but towards the end, we had some proper lessons. After my 3 hour break when I was able to go home and have some lunch (yess!😂) I went back at 3:20pm to have my history and nature of science lessons. Although these lessons start late, they were really quite interesting. After struggling to find my way to the history classroom, I was able to get to my lesson on time and I sat a really good history lesson for an hour. We started off on the topic of Nazi Germany just to ease everyone in to the new course but then we found out that the rest of the course consisted of studying Mao's Communist China, Castro's Cuba, and Nelson Mandela and the activists going to prison. I was fully captivated by the course and I really liked making notes on Nazi Germany to refresh my memory on the topic. I also have a second history teacher who will be covering other topics so I'm really excited for that. In nature of science, I was introduced to the course. It's a standard level course that has a broad overview of all the sciences. From the course you're supposed to not only gain knowledge of facts but also understand the information so that you develop a good knowledge of the fundamentals of science. In the first lesson we looked at an article with the title "Chocolate with high Cocoa content as a weight-loss accelerator" and we compared it with other articles from big newspapers to understand why the information isn't reliable. Throughout the course we will be looking at the universe, evolution, food security, and medicine to gain this broad range of knowledge. I'm looking forward to it.

Overall, it was a stressful couple days to settle into the school but I'm happy with my subject choices. It will take a few more weeks for me to develop a proper routine but I'm sure I'll find a way to make everything work.

I hope you had a prosperous start to your time at sixth form also!

What subjects are you taking? Are you ready to go back to school/sixth form? Let me know in the comments below and I'll be sure to reply to them. I ♡ hearing from you! 

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See you next time, 


XOX, Juliette

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