It's all about learning to adapt to change - Lifestyle Monday

 Hello everybody and welcome back to another blog post, 

I think that when the end of this year comes (a) everyone will be extremely happy and (b) I'm sure we'll all realise what a year of pure change 2020 has been. There was the refreshing feeling excitement at the beginning of the year when everyone was ready to make a change in the new decade but obviously, we were all thrown off guard a lot by the pandemic that put a stop to a lot of our resolutions and because we had all grown complacent, we were pretty taken aback by everything that happened. We were not used to change and everything felt out of place for us. 

Now, it's a pretty similar feeling. We are able to go back to school and work and regain some of what we lost during lockdown but we're still having to live the cliché "new normal" and it doesn't feel the same. I really like my new school and I think that it has a lot of great values but after sitting through 6 months of no school, it certainly feels weird for me to be doing school again. It's weird enough going into sixth form without Covid-19 because it's such a step up from normal secondary school but as I've not been in school for such a long time, it's even more challenging to even be back in that sort of environment. With the constant threat of a contagious virus, you also have to learn to live a different happy life. Yes, you have to wear a mask in school and everywhere and you have to sanitise your hands and try to keep away from people but you've also got to find time to spend with your friends in new ways and make time with your family because this time, as we've discovered over the last 6 months, is deeply valuable. 

I also found it difficult to go back to dance. I'm not able to do street dance lessons anymore since it doesn't work with my long school timetable on Thursdays but it's also difficult to adapt to all the new changes that have had to be installed anyway in the studio. I'm doing ballroom and Latin dance lessons but, rightly so, no one can obviously dance in partners so we have to try and keep our distance from each other most of the time. We also have to sanitise our hands and put our bags in a designated area of the studio so that we can all try to limit the spread of the virus as much as possible. I'm happy with the precautions that my studio has put in place because it shows that they really do care but I suppose it's not the same vibe or atmosphere as it was before. Some people have chosen to leave and it becomes more difficult to dance anyway with all these new restrictions. Dance is about being free and being in the moment and although I'm happy to be back, it's certainly more difficult to do this.

Overall, there's been a lot that I've had to get used to and I'm sure that's exactly the same for you but with the wait of a second wave, there's probably more that we're all going to have to get used to. At the end of the day, it's all about learning to adapt to the change. If everything was going well in the world, we would be seriously knocked down when an even bigger and more devastating situation occured. It may seem like we have to make massive sacrifices now with everything that we do but in reality these are small personal changes that we all have to make in order to create a bigger and better difference. Changes like these actually help to develop our resilience because, fittingly, we are more immune to something that we've already seen before. People don't realise this but we need change so that we can grow as human beings and although it pains us sometimes, change can make us better than we used to be so really this whole Covid-19 situation that we've had this year, is going to make us stronger for next year.

Have you got some tips with dealing with change? Let me know in the comments below and I'll be sure to reply to them. I ♡ hearing from you! 

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See you next time, 


XOX, Juliette 

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  1. I think it is wonderful that you are willing to adapt to the necessary changes and continue with something you love doing. Kudos to you!

  2. Thanks! Adapting to change is a very useful skill!💜


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