A short diary entry from me: Going round in circles - Lifestyle Monday

Hello everybody and welcome back to another blog post,

It's unfortunate but on the day that I'm writing this, I've just found out that my school's closed down for 2 weeks because there have been 2 students in my sixth form who have been tested positive for Covid-19 and that obviously puts a lot of people at risk. It's been a bit of a weird week for me anyway because on the weekend I felt a bit ill (not with COVID I must add but a stomach bug) and I had some weird stomach movements and pains for a few days after that and it was getting to the point where I was struggling to eat my food because I would have these light waves of nausea🤢. This was mainly why I hadn't been posting that much on here. I had to take Thursday off because even though I thought I was better, I didn't feel completely right on that day so I thought it was best for me to stay at home and work online but I just really wanted to go back to school this week without having any issues. I seem to be getting better now but when I received the message that school had to be closed down for a while, I was a bit upset because I'm actually beginning to enjoy college a lot and the fact that I can't go in for 2 weeks, has really put a wrench into what I wanted to do. I have to self-isolate at home so although the rest of my family can go out, I have to stay at home and do school work at home. This means that I can't go to dance and I can't see my friends which does make me a little sad to say the least.😔

However, I've been through this process before over the 6 month lockdown period and so I am beginning to know what to expect so I'm not as upset as I was in March. The main priority is to keep everyone safe so I'm going to stay home and do what it is that I have to do and I just hope that the situation is better when I return on the 19th of October. I should really be taking this 2 week "break" as an opportunity to spend some more time with my family because as much as school is fun and really important, I find it's just as important to ensure that you have some evenings free to spend watching films or eating your dinner with your family. It's these quality moments that we often forget about when we're caught up in the daily rat race of life.

It's also like I said in my last post about working towards the next day. Unfortunately, I've fallen into another one of those annoying COVID stages where I'm confined again to my home but that is to be expected with a second wave. The future is uncertain as events have already proven so thinking about the far future will only confuse me more. I must work to the next minute, hour, or day, in order to have a stable mindset through these challenging times. I can get through this, I just must persevere!✊

Have any schools been closed down in your area? Have you had to go back to homeschooling for a bit? Let me know in the comments below and I'll be sure to reply to them. I ♡ hearing what you have to say!

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See you next time, 


XOX, Juliette❤️

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