My travel bucket list - Lifestyle Monday

Hello everybody and welcome back to another blog post,

Sorry for not posting a dance article on Saturday. I was ill with a bad bug on Friday evening and I wanted to rest instead of finishing up a blog post but I'm back now.

Today, I'm going to be talking about a few of the places that I would like to go to at some point in the distant future. It's nice to have something to work towards and there are definitely a few countries that I've been having my eye on recently so I'm going to share them with you today. Enjoy!

  • I think the first place that I would really like to go to is Japan. As I'm taking standard level Japanese at school, I may have the opportunity to do this with my school but taking into consideration the current climate we're all in, I know that if that doesn't happen, I can always go myself. I actually have some relatives in Japan and so I thought it would be nice at some point to rekindle that side of my family and visit a truly amazing country. I'm interested in visiting many different parts of Japan but I'm mostly interested in seeing the more traditional parts of Japan just because I know the countryside is beautiful and I would like to see the foundations of what made this country so amazing. I would like to see rice fields, bears, small villages, and local people because I think that that would be awesome!
  • The next country I have to visit is America. I feel like so many people have had the opportunity to go to America with their family but I've unfortunately never been and so this is one of the places that I would really like to go to. I would specifically like to go to New York at Christmas because I just have to see a proper Christmas tree at Times Square and do some ice skating like they do in the movies. I think this is my mum's and sister's dream thing to do as well. However, I would also like to just do the very British thing of going into Target or Walmart and buying all the unhealthy sweets and chocolate or even getting a random corn dog at a fast food place because I know that there's a plethora of tasty unhealthiness in America too that I would like to try.😂
  • The next place I have to visit is Africa. I would like to go here because at some point in my life, I just have to see an elephant in the wild and I know that Africa is one of the prime locations for this. As well as potentially going to Japan with my school, I could also have the amazing opportunity to go to Tanzania in east Africa and trek with a wild African tribe and do some charity work with elephants. If I get to do this, then I'll be more than happy but if I don't, I also know that there are many elephant orphanages in need of a helping hand so if I'm ever struggling to look for a gap year idea or something to do on holiday in the distant future, I know where to go. I even think that doing something on the lines of a safari could be quite nice as well because I would also love to see a few rhinos and lions out in the wild for myself too.
  • The last country I would love to visit is South America. If you know me well, you'll understand my love for bears and after being an avid reader of Paddington as a kid, I just have to see a bear from Darkest Peru at some point during my lifetime. They may not be wearing a red hat or a blue duffel coat, or be hiding a marmalade sandwich but I just have to see a real life bear from Peru because it's a part of my childhood! Looking more northwards, I would also like to visit the Caribbean and potentially Cuba as well. I know it's a complicated country that's still communist to this day but as a ballroom and Latin dancer, I have to see Cuban Latin dancers for myself. I know that that is one of the many hotspots for Latin dancing and I'll just have to go there for the Latin dance energy!

I hope you've enjoyed this post!

Where are the 4 places that you want to visit the most in the world? Let me know in the comments below and I'll be sure to reply to them. I ♡ hearing from you! 

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See you next time, 


XOX, Juliette


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