Working to the next day - Writing Wednesday

Hello everybody and welcome back to another blog post,

There is no doubt that there's been talk of a second wave of Covid-19 and not only is it just another wave but it could potentially be a wave bigger than the first, like what's already happened in many other countries like France. That puts a lot of uncertainty on us. What can we depend on? What is our trajectory in all this uncertainty?

I wanted to write a post on this because I think there's an important life lesson to be learnt here. We often talk of plans and aims for the future which is a brilliant thing. We did it at the start of this year because we were all pumped up for a fresh start to this new and exciting decade. It was a time to make changes and improvements that would better us as individuals so that we could achieve our future goals. I did this and I'll probably always do this because I like the sound of the future and I like what the world looks in my head, even if it's not a reality just yet. Dreams and aspirations are a wonderful thing because they'll always propel us to raise the bar and go beyond the target. It's not just about wanting a job, it's about wanting the job you enjoy. That's a dream many of us have. It's not about earning a lot of money, it's about being generous with what we have and giving to the poor. That's a dream many of us have.

However, the problem with the future is that it's not set in stone and a slight change can have a domino effect on all our plans. Sometimes that can be a good thing and sometimes it's bad but what many people, including me, get wrong is that you've got to learn to live in the moment. That's what I've learnt during this pandemic and to be honest, I'm still learning as I go along because this is something that I actually find really difficult. I think most of us got down at the start of Covid because we became increasingly reliant on the certainty of the future because before all this, our stable lives had made us become complacent. Then when Covid through a spanner into the works, it became difficult to find an equilibrium in a rocky climate.

The truth is, learning to love your present form of life is probably one of the bravest things you can do. Tomorrow, you may not see any of your close friends and tomorrow you may be barred to your house again but today, there's still an essence of freedom that can be enjoyed so I shouldn't waste it. I have now realised that my present and current actions have a huge impact on what happens tomorrow. I've realised that if I spend time with my friends and family now, whatever happens tomorrow or in the next week, won't bother me because I'll be happy.

I'm sure there's so much greatness in all of our futures but the future is spontaneous and we can't always predict what will happen. Learning to keep going to the next minute, hour, or day, is what we can rely on right now.

Do you find living in the present moment difficult? Let me know in the comments below and I'll be sure to reply to them. I ♡ hearing from you! 

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See you next time, 


XOX, Juliette

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