The art of presenting - Writing Wednesday

Hello everybody and welcome back to another blog post, 

Everybody has their strengths and their weaknesses and I think that one of my weaknesses might just be giving presentations. Some people are naturally good at talking and continuing oral explanations without too much hesitation but for me, I have to think for quite a long time about what it is that I'm next going to say, which makes it a little bit awkward when a class is waiting in anticipation for the end of my sentence and it takes about 5 minutes for me to finish it. Of course I'm exaggerating slightly but I am genuinely not ashamed to say that I perhaps find explaining things in words on a page, where I can think about my explanation a bit more, a lot easier than saying something on the spot. However, as with anything in life, you've got to challenge yourself in order to improve and hazard a guess about what IB is full of....Oral examinations! Yay, not my favourite. I'm slowly getting an idea of how to do presentations in English but my first one that I did at the start of the year was not the best. I was just basically reading off of the board, trying to insert extra bits of information here and there but still, it wasn't great. Looking at the way my Polish friend was doing her part of the presentation, I was awestruck at how easy she found it to speak. Especially not being English, she did really well and I think that just boosted the level of our presentation. I think that inspired me to realise that yes, I can present because if my foreign friend can do it, then so can I. On the day that you're reading this, I'm going to be presenting in dance and I'm going to be talking all about my familiar dance style which is street commercial. I wasn't feeling as confident with my presentation before because I actually did a couple bits wrong. I was focusing a bit too much on individual hip-hop dance styles in the 70s and not quite enough on what we mean by street commercial dance. However, I've changed a few things here and there and tried to tighten up my research a little bit so I think I'm ready. In fact, I actually volunteered to do my presentation first which was a confident risk because it might go wrong but we'll just have to wait and see. Wish me luck!👍

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See you next time, 


XOX, Juliette

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  1. I'm very pleased to announce that my dance presentation went well. There are a few things to improve here and their when it comes down to my research but other than that, it was great! 😀


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