Creating a second dance routine for my Easter street dance classes - My Trip to Tanzania (Post 11) - Dance Saturday

Hello everybody and welcome back to another blog post, 

As some of you may or may not know, I'm starting an Easter street dance class to help me fundraise for my World Challenge trip to Tanzania next year. This is a class that will be following on from my half-term street dance class that I did back in February. Unfortunately, this street dance class has not been as successful as the last one. I've had one person sign up so far and it's one of the girls who took part in the half term session and really enjoyed it. I asked her mother if she could share my advert with her group of friends on Facebook and she quite kindly did, which I really appreciated. However, one person is still money in the bank and anything I can do right now, is going to contribute to my fundraising so I've got to try and look for the positives. I'm coming up with a routine that I think would be fun to teach. I'm doing it to the song Happier by Marshmello and Bastille. It's quite a simple routine and I was planning to do the routine with some of the younger students but I might just modify it for some older students like the girl who is joining over the Easter. I also came up with a routine to Don't Call Me Up by Mabel which I choreographed for the half-term classes and never used so I might just go over it on my own again and teach it over the Easter. It's quite girly but I'm sure it would be fun to teach. Although I'm not making a lot of money in this fundraising event, I do love to choreograph and teach dance so I'm also doing this because I enjoy it, which isn't necessarily a bad thing. My World Challenge group has also raised just over £1,000 in the group Easter raffle fundraiser that we held with the school, which should be distributed out to us all very shortly. As my mum has said, the fact that all of us in the World Challenge group have managed to raise this much money in the first place, during a pandemic, is just a credit to us really. I'm just going to take the time out to pat myself on the back for getting the money that I've already managed to obtain.

Here are the songs that I'm thinking of using. The music video for Happier is a little sad because the dog dies! 🤣😫 However, it does have a beautiful message which I really like. Don't Call Me Up also makes you feel confident and independent! Yass queen! 😂💜



If you would like to join in the lessons, it's still not too late to sign up. The first class I'm hoping to start on the 5th April so feel free to get involved.  All the information is below.⬇️👇

Hello, 👋

My name's Juliette Page and I'm a 16 year old student trying to raise funds for my expedition to Tanzania in the summer of 2022 as part of the World Challenge. I'm offering a second round of fun virtual street dance classes over Easter to help me fundraise. New participants are welcome join, as well as those who came to my February half term sessions. Students can be advanced street dancers or complete beginners; this class is open to all abilities! The first class will be for children aged 6 - 8 years and the second will be for children aged 9 - 12 years. The first class for the younger students will run from the 5th - 6th of April from 10:00am - 11:00am and the second class for the older students will run from the 7th - 9th April from 10:00am to 11:00am. It costs only £4 per class/device and parents are welcome to join in so get involved if you wish! If you're interested, please make sure to email/Facebook message me so I can give you my bank details for payment and so that I can give you your online meeting link closer to the time. I look forward to seeing some new and familiar faces! 😊

My email:

Have you ever taken a street dance class before? Have you gotten your Easter egg yet? I haven't gotten my Easter egg yet but I'm hoping to get it on Easter Sunday. 🥚 Let me know in the comments below and I'll be sure to reply to them. I ♡ hearing from you!

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See you next time, 


XOX, Juliette

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