How we celebrated my sister's 19th birthday - Lifestyle Monday

Hello everybody and welcome back to another blog post,

Last Monday, me and my family celebrated my sister, Alice's, 19th birthday. I can't believe that my sister only has a year until she is not a teenager anymore, but is entering young adulthood. What's more is that I can't believe that this year I'm going to be 17 years old, meaning that I will legally be able to start taking driving lessons. I also can't believe that next year I'm going to be 18 years old, meaning that I can legally start drinking. Goodbye to baby Juliette on the sidelines of a party with her orange juice. That will be no more. 😂 It is clear that on Monday, my sister's 19th birthday really made me think about the fact that we are leaving behind an era and entering a new one and that times are changing. Ahh, shock horror! 

Anyway, in the morning, at around 7:15am, me, my mum, my dad, and of course Alice, all got together to open the presents. We opened them that early because I had a science lesson for period 0 (8:00am in the modning) and I wasn't going to come home that day until around 4:05pm, around the time my sister also went to work, so the present opening had to be done in advance in order for us to take part in it together. Unlike my mum and dad's birthday, I did remember to take the price off of the back of my card before giving it to Alice. Sometimes I just assume that someone else in my family has already taken off the price tag so I make the mistake of not bothering to look, but this time, I actually remembered. Phew!

My sister got some really nice gifts. She's quite a girly person so she got the usual hand creams and nice clothes as well as a lino board because she loves art and some biscuits and chocolate, which she kindly shared with me and the rest of the family. Sometimes she doesn't do that (jokes). My dad also went out early in the morning to get me some bread so that I can make my packed lunch and he also got some croissants and some pain at chocolats because it was Alice's birthday which I thought was really kind. I grabbed a couple to take with me to school as I wasn't that hungry and I thought I could have them during my break. They were delicious!😀

Although Alice's birthday was on a Monday, we still had a good time making pizzas in the pizza oven that evening and eating them. My mum had prepared some sour dough starter pizza doughs before hand and we layered them up with different toppings like parmesan cheese, spinach, parma ham, and prawns. I was a bit tired and I was trying to keep my eyes open whilst I was passing the pizza paddle to my mum but thankfully I was able to stay awake long enough to eat those delicious pizzas as well as the cake that my mum made. If you guys don't already know, my mum bakes and cooks for a living so she can sometimes be (in a light-hearted way) critical of her cakes because she knows how they're meant to be. When we were about to eat the birthday cake after we'd just ate those delicious pizzas, my mum said, "ohh, sorry, I didn't have the time to put an amazing cake together." Then I was like, "ohh come on, it isn't exactly a basic Colin the Caterpillar cake from Tescos now is it? It's got a chocolate genoise sponge!"😂 That made me laugh. 💜

For the last part of the evening, we were going to watch Line of Duty but we didn't have time to so instead we watched the series Unforgotten, on ITV. Can I just say, I'm addicted to this series. It's about a group of police officers that handle these unsolved historical cases and it is so good. I need to know what happened to Cassie Stewart because in the 5th episode of the latest series, she went into another car on her way home from work and the episode stopped there. I will be watching the 6th episode on the day that you're reading this, that's for sure. 

I hope you enjoyed reading this post. We had a great time celebrating my sister's 19th birthday!

I was born on the 4th July 2004. When is your birthday? Let me know in the comments below and I'll be sure to reply to them. I ♡ hearing from you!

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See you next time, 


XOX, Juliette

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