A moment of silence - Dance Saturday

Hello everybody and welcome back to another blog post, 

Last weekend I didn't quite get the chance to watch Strictly Come Dancing properly as I was busy doing my babysitting on the Saturday evening. However, on the Sunday I did get the chance to watch one very special performance on YouTube and that was Rose and Giovanni's Couple's Choice dance to Symphony by Clean Bandit and Zara Larsson. If you are unaware of who Rose Ayling-Ellis is, she is an actress who plays Frankie on the BBC soap opera, East Enders, and she just so happens to be the first deaf celebrity contestant on BBC Strictly Come Dancing too. Last Saturday, she delivered a very powerful performance, in which she brought the whole audience into her world, showing people what it was like to dance as a deaf person. I didn't quite realise just how powerful the performance she gave was until I watched the performance again with my sister and I was able to take the time to really focus in on that moment of silence. For the vast majority on the routine, there was music playing in the background with Symphony, meaning a grand orchestral rendition, being the perfect meaningful song choice for Rose. Then the Symphony stopped and the room was so silent that you could probably hear a pin drop. All that could be seen was Rose and Giovanni dancing in the silence until the room was illuminated once again by music. With Rose being such a great dancer, you forget that she feels silence throughout most of her dancing, if she is not feeling the fogs and shadows of the music. Here, we remember what dancing is like for her and so the performance becomes like a personal narrative that she is taking us on a journey through. I like dancing because I like music and dance is an expression of my love for listening to good music. However, I think it's really brave for Rose and Giovanni to have included a moment of silence in their piece as it was really exposing but at the same time, it made the whole performance real which is what dance is supposed to be about at its core. Overall, I loved this dance. It was certainly a performance to remember!

BBC Strictly Come Dancing

What do you think of Rose and Giovanni's performance? Let me know in the comments below and I'll be sure to reply to them. I ♡ hearing from you!

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See you next time, 


XOX, Juliette

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