I performed my rock 'n' roll duet for the exam - Dance Saturday

Hello everybody and welcome back to another blog post, 

On Thursday, I filmed my rock 'n' roll duet with my partner at school. In order to complete the IB Dance course, I need to do my IB dance investigation (which I've done a lot of already 😂), my solo, my group dance, and my duet. As a result, before we broke off for the Christmas holidays, we all decided that Thursday would be the day to get filming the duet. For me, the whole rehearsal process for the rock 'n' roll duet was kind of stressful because my partner was off sick for a week with Covid. Therefore, for most of the classes, whilst other people were rehearsing, I was sitting in the corner of the studio catching up on work. I tried revisiting some of the choreography by myself but it was a little bit difficult to do all the partner work without my partner, so I thought that studying would be a better use of time. However, fortunately for me, me and my partner had already finished most of our routine the week before and the rock 'n' roll choreography was based on the routine that we did for the summer showcase, so I was fairly familiar with it anyway. Luckily, my partner came back a couple of lessons before, so we were able to practice before the final filming day. Just before we filmed our dance, I rehearsed the routine one more time with my partner. There was one section at the very end of the dance, that we were still not quite sure about so we went over it. When we did finally get to film the routine, we seemed to pull off a pretty good performance the first time around. We decided to have an audience come and watch us, which I think really motivated us to do better. Maybe it wasn't the most perfect performance but we certainly tried our best, and overall I enjoyed dancing the routine. Considering that when I filmed my dance solo for the year 12 mock examinations, I had to film it again because I forgot part of my choreography, I think this routine went really well. I was confident, I believed in myself, and this seemed to really work in my favour.

Are you happy that it's the Christmas holidays? Let me know in the comments below and I'll be sure to reply to them. I ♡ hearing from you!

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See you next time, 


XOX, Juliette

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