Having a barbeque with friends - Lifestyle Monday

Hello everybody and welcome back to another blog post, 

Here is a blog post I wrote a couple of weeks ago. I intended on posting it sooner but then I got a bit busy with exams. I hope you enjoy it now anyway! 😊💜

If you saw my Instagram story on Friday, you'll know that I invited my good friends Teresa, Maia, Celina, and Audrey over for a barbeque. My dad had just finished welding together an old oil drum which he had transformed into a barbeque and he thought that this day was the perfect time to baptise it so we did. I got everyone together that day after school and my sister Alice also invited her boyfriend Tom over too so it was a big celebration. Me and my friends did some normal things and then we also did some rather strange things too. 😂 One normal thing we did was take group photos in the garden as it was nice and sunny and the flowers on the cherry and apple trees made for the perfect background to our photos. We all stood in front of Teresa's phone with the flowers behind us and the images turned out great. You can see the final photos below. 

However, we also did some strange things too. 😂 Teresa told me to get some paper and pens down from my room so that we could all create a list about what our future husbands were going to look like. 😂🤦‍♀️ I don't know why I agreed to it but I did and somehow we were all sitting on the picnic table making these lists not long after this proposition was made. Maia said she liked someone who enjoyed travelling, Teresa likes someone already so was writing about him, and Audrey was interested in someone who had money and was DubAision (someone who has lived in Dubai and was also Aisian) which was probably the best made up word I have ever heard in my life 😂🤣. My mum came over and read mine out loud!!!!! Not okay but nevermind 😂😂. I don't really have a type so I wrote random things that came to mind. "Brown hair, can dance (obviously), tall" she read, as she ripped the paper from my hand, and Maia responded with "Ahh tall, I did not write that one down" and she started to write it down. Celina wrote something a little inappropriate on her list and my mum read it out loud too and we all laughed. 😂😂 We won't go into that one.

After writing lists about our future husbands, we wrote down positive things about each other because as Celina said, "It's not just about what we're looking for but what we can also bring to the table." Female empowerment at its best guys. We wrote our names down on pieces of paper and rotated them around, taking 30 seconds each to write good things about each other. When we got our names back, we read the positive things we had wrote ro each other. It was actually a nice sentiment and really shone a positive light to our day. 💜

Soon after this, we got the table ready for the food. By this point, Tom had arrived and was with my dad by the barbeque looking eagerly into the fire. There were sausages, chicken, pork, bread rolls, and a salad. My mum also made fried aubergine marinated in a miso sauce and halloumi for Maia, as she was vegetarian. Everyone really appreciated the food that my mum had made. Teresa said "I swear Juliette's mum is the best cook in the world." And then Audrey said, whilst she was eating her pork, "The fat just exploded in my mouth." 🤣😂 For dessert, my mum took out the Opéra cake from her fridge to eat and it was absolutely delicious too. I'm very lucky to have a mum who can cook in the house.

After eating, we sat and talked. I showed Audrey my room and we discovered a very dusty looking blue Polaroid camera sittingin one of my baskets. We decided to take it downstairs so that we could each have a group Polaroid picture to take with us. It turns out that the flash on the Polaroid was particularly powerful so there was lots of squinting when we took the photos but they turned out great in the end. Here was mine.

What have you and your friends been up to recently? Let me know in the comments below and I'll be sure to reply to them. I ♡ hearing from you!

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See you next time, 


XOX, Juliette

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