
Showing posts from September, 2017

How to do a pirouette

Hi guys, Welcome back to my blog. Today I am going to teach you how to do a pirouette. A full list of photos of every stretch will be on my Instagram, @jujupage1. If you want to learn how to do a pirouette keep on reading: We are going to go on the balls of our feet and turn them out all the way up to our hips. Our arms should be out to the side of us in second position. Our fingers should be slightly splayed.  Then we're going to do a plié with our feet turned out. One foot behind another in fourth position and arms in a 90° angle opposite arm to leg. Make sure to stretch your arms all the way up to your finger tips.  Then you want to go onto the ball of your foot, lift up and attach your big toe to the front of your knee. Your arms should be rounded nicely in front of you and your fingers nicely positioned. Here is what it should look like.  You should turn on the opposite side to the leg that is up. Whip your head around quickly and spot on the same ...

How to improve back flexibility

Hi guys, Welcome back to my blog. Today I am going to go through some steps to show you how to improve your back flexibility. Each stretch should be held for at least thirty seconds. All of the pictures of the stretches will be on my Instagram, @jujupage1, as well so please do go and have a look. The next blog post will be how to do a pirouette post. To improve your back flexibility here is what you need to do: We're going to start off with a seal stretch. To do a seal stretch lie down on the floor on your stomach and then lean back slowly with your hips in contact with the ground.  Then we are going to do a back bend. To do a back bend, lie down on the ground on your back and push up through your shoulders with your hands. If you're struggling to do this, you can achieve the same stretch on a wall and slowly walk your hands down for more support. You can also get a friend or family member to spot your lower back if you're still not comfortable. Remember to do thi...

Split tutorial

Hi guys, Welcome back to my blog. Today I am going to show you how to do your front splits. These stretches should also be attempted on the other leg to get both splits. If you like this blog post then maybe I will do a post on how to get your middle splits. The next blog post will be how to improve back flexibility so please do check that out when it comes. I also posted a picture on my instagram @jujupage1 of a picture of me doing every single stretch. If you want to get your front splits than here are the steps you need to take you should hold them for at least 30 seconds: This first stretch is almost like you are doing your splits but except you are keeping your front leg bent. Be sure to keep your hips square or facing forwards as it will really help when it comes to actually doing your splits. Next you want to get into a simple lunge remembering to keep your hips square. Then in the same lunge position, grab your leg behind you and pull it as clos...

Kind of a busy week-life update

Hi guys, Welcome back to my blog. I didn't know this year would be so hard. Everything in terms of homework has increased in amount and difficulty. One lesson I would be set homework and in the next lesson too. I didn't have time to do a split tutorial for today but that should be coming on Sunday so do check it out. Now that I am preparing for my Gcse's, revision has increased which just adds to the mountain of homework I get. Are you struggling with the mountains of homework too? Leave a comment down below letting me know, See you next time, Bye

My acrobatic photography

Hi guys, Welcome back to my blog. Today I am going to be showing you my acro photos so here they are: Do you like doing acrobatics? Leave a comment down below letting me know. I really love hearing from you!😊 See you next time,  Bye,  XOX, Juliette💋

blog post- I quit dance!

Hi guys, Welcome back to my blog. I am hoping that these blog posts will go up Sunday, Tuesday and Friday talking about whatever I fancy. For this blog post, I will be talking about quitting dance and why I did it. Firstly, if your thinking about joining a dance school, then it is really important to know especially if you are joining a professional dance school that everything is going to be stricter and harder than your last dance school. For me that didn't bother me because I was very committed but it did definitely take me by surprise. Secondly, not everybody is going to treat you nicely. This was actually one of the main reasons that I quit because I didn't feel comfortable being in a studio with other people in my club. However if your just starting, you can't expect them to just come up to you and start talking to you straight away so at the same time, you've got to give them some time to get to know you. But for me, after a couple months it still wasn't co...

Book review- Moxie

Hi guys, Welcome back to my blog. Today, I am going to be doing a book review on Moxie by Jennifer Mathieu. I found the book Moxie through Zoella's YouTube channel and it seemed intriguing so when I was at the airport WH Smith's , I got the book. The front cover is actually really cool and gives you a good snippet of what the book is about. So in capital letters, the word Moxie is written on the front cover and there is also a hand facing upwards that is holding a pencil so I knew that the story was probably set in a school. The blurb says that the story is about a girl called Vivian Carter who is essencially fed up of the sexist and rude comments in class. So she gets inspiration from her mother who is a feminist to set up a feminist zine that she places around the school in secret and then eventually, a whole girl revolution has taken place. I like how it takes a very controversial topic (feminism) that takes place in day to day life and puts it into a background of a schoo...

My trip to Réunion + all the photos I took there!

Hi guys, Welcome back to my blog. Today I am going to recall my experiences in Réunion and travel. The first flight we took was a nightmare because there was so much turbulence throughout the night that I was actually sick in the morning and I hate being sick. We still had a long drive to get to our accommodation in Réunion but we drove by the sea front which helped with my travel sickness. My favourite place to eat in Réunion has to be Le Patio because you can choose what you want to eat. So after we arrived, we went to Le Patio and I had a really nice salad with fish inside. It was delicious. The next day, we went to St Pierre to go to the beach. I love the beach of St Pierre because as well as being full of people, it still managed to keep its wild side. There are also loads of really cool, colourful fish to see. The other two beaches that I went to was L'Hermitage and L'Étang salé which were both equally as good. My auntie, uncle, and cousins also came to visit and it ...


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