
Showing posts from February, 2018

The brown rice moment + our weird obsession to cure things-Why I dislike veganism

Hi guys, welcome back to my blog,  So, I know you're probably thinking Juju what the hell are you going to talk about today? 'The brown rice moment?' Really? Well, let me explain. It was a few nights ago when we sat down to have our dinner. My grandmother came round over the half term and she suggested that we should try brown rice. Not going to lie, this was exactly what she said 'brown rice is delicious!' So there we were, at the table, with a pot of brown rice in front of us. Well, it was brown,duh and stodgy like porridge. We served up the rest of our food and started to eat. Well, to put it bluntly, it was disgusting. But was I going to let that show. Phh, no! So I said, 'it's very different'. I could tell my mum hated it when the exact words 'it's very nutty' came out her mouth.  So come the end of the meal, my dad blurted out 'yeah,let's not have that again'. Then straight away, me,my sister and my mum said 'yeah, th...

Why did the Holocaust begin?-my Holocaust series

Hi guys and welcome back to my Holocaust series, Firstly, I would just like to apologise for not uploading a blog post on Friday. I was just quite busy and I didn't have the time to upload anything that day so I'm sorry. Secondly. Today's blog post is a continuation of a blog post I did about 2 weeks ago. There, I explained everything so if you would like to know more then you can find that post here:  . Now, let's get on to the blog post.👉 So I guess the main question for this series is 'why did the Holocaust Begin?'. I took a look at CBBC's Newsround page on why the Holocaust commenced. Straight away I read that Adolf Hitler became the leader of the Nazi party in 1921. It was said that they wanted to continue the 'Aryan' race. (I know some of you don't know what Aryan is so here is the Newsround definition) G...

My favourite jokes-from Harry Hill's whopping great joke book

Hello Jujubears and welcome to another blog post, Who doesn't love a bit of humour? I've recently been looking at Harry Hill's joke book which I got a couple of Christmas's ago. I never realised how good the jokes were. So I will share some with you today. Here are some whopping great jokes. Enjoy! -Our house was such a mess when I was a kid that I used to wipe my feet before going out! -What does Santa do at Easter? He egg-nores the whole thing. - What is the difference between a musician and a corpse? One composes, and the other decomposes. -If a person from Poland is a Pole, does that make someone from Holland a Hole? -What do you call a man that doesn't sink? Bob -When is it okay to spit on a man's face? When his moustache is on fire. -Waiter, is there soup on the menu? No sir, I wiped it off -What's not yellow but still dangerous? Shark-infested yogurt Can you think of any other jokes? Let me know in the comments below. See y...

Why is the Holocaust called the Holocaust?-learning something new (series)

Hello Jujubears and welcome to another blog post, Today, I will be continuing on from last week's blog post,  and answering the question 'why is the Holocaust called the Holocaust?'.  So I searched up this question and it lead me to a number of different websites on the topic. The first one said: This usage came about gradually. The lower-case "holocaust" has  described  the violent deaths of large groups of people probably since the 18th century, according the Oxford English Dictionary. I decided to check out some other websites to see some different opinions. Wikipedia said that the word 'Holocaust' originated from the Greek term 'Holokausten' which meant  "a completely ( holos ) burnt ( kaustos ) sacrificial offering," . However, the Holocaust in the 20th century involved 'no sacrificial offering'  argue some of the Jewish leaders, so I think ...


Hello everybody and welcome to another blog post, 1 year ago, I started blogging. It was a big idea of mine because I loved to write. I remember my first ever blog post. It was about what I ate in the evening in Norfolk. I was so excited. I realised I had got some views almost instantly on that blog post. Then I realised that it was me. LOL. Just goes to show how inexperienced I was with the blogging community back then. I stopped blogging for a couple of months then got back into it again in the summer. I loved the summer because I visited my family for the first time in 5 years. They live far away on an island in the east coast of South Africa called Réunion. It's beautiful there and I will never miss it because I have recorded my time there, here on this blog. One of my biggest blogging challenges was when I did Blogmas at Christmas. It was challenging but very rewarding in the end. You guys seemed to love it. I love blogging. I can express my thoughts and feelings very well. ...

The dance tag

Hello Jujubears and welcome to another blog post, Today, I am going to be doing a tag about dance. I have compiled a bunch of interesting dance questions to put on this post. So let's get on to the blog post.👉 What styles of dance do you do? I do hip hop and ballroom. When did you start dancing. When I was 4 years old. What was the first style of dance which you did? My first dance style was ballet. Do you stretch everyday? Yes, I do about 15 minutes everyday. Were you naturally flexible? No, I had to work hard to gain my flexibility. Do you want to be a dancer when you're older? Yes. I want to run a dance school. Is dance tough? It can be. But if it's something you enjoy, it won't be. So that was all of my compiled questions. I hope you enjoyed. Comment down below, what tag you want me to do next. See you next time, Bye XOX Juju Links: Instagram📷-

Finding something new to study

Hello Jujubears and welcome to another blog post, Today, I am going to be doing something a little bit different. I've been on the hunt for something new to study. I looked up 'interesting things to study' and it came up with: How to pickle your own vegetables (?!) Learn a new language ( I am bilingual) Learn to code (been doing enough of that already) Find out more about microbiology (too complicated) I just wanted to find out more about a particular subject. So then I searched up 'interesting SUBJECTS to study'. It came up with this: Mathematics (I'm on holiday)  English (again, I'm on holiday) Complete study and practice of geography ( again,again, I'm on holiday) So I thought. I've been really enjoying history. Let's search up some fun history topics to study. It came up with this. Korean war (meh) Franco-Spanish war (mmh) The Crusades (maybe later) Holocaust (interesting, I've been studying that) So as y...

Quote of the day!

'Intelligence  Without ambition Is a bird Without wings'- Salvador Dali What's your favourite quote? Leave a comment down below letting me know. See you next time, Bye Links: Instagram📷- My book review blog📓-

Plastic, plastic, plastic

Hello everybody and welcome to another blog post, I am absolutely mortified! Recently, I got a block soap for Christmas. I thought that the packaging was just cardboard because it was placed in a cardboard little box. But when I opened it up, I saw that it also came with plastic wrap! And then we wonder why there is so much plastic floating in our oceans. Here is what it looked like: It's not the first time that I've seen something pointlessly wrapped in plastic. Every time I go food shopping with my mum, I see things like apples and bananas wrapped in plastic. We don't need it. However, when I go to places like France, the fruit and vegetables are placed in boxes for you to pick from. Why can't it be like that here in the UK? Comment down below what you think of this matter. See you next time, Bye Links: Instagram📷- Book review blog📓-

What I have enjoyed over January- January favourites

Hello Jujubears and welcome to another blog post, Today I am going to be doing a favourites blog post. I would just firstly like to say a massive thank you to all of you guys. This month has been absolutely amazing. I hit over 80 views on my blog post which I am super happy about. It's nearly my 1 year anniversary of being on blogger and I am hoping to celebrate it in style this month. Thank you so much for the support it means a lot! Now, let's get on the the blog post. So my first favourite is my bento box. If you dont know what a bento box is, its just a Japanese lunch box that is really cute! This was more towards the end of January but I really enjoyed using this as my lunch box for school. My second favourite is Anne Frank's diary. I love her personality and I think that she's an inspiration. Book review coming soon on my book review blog. The next favourite is this Tesco infusion tea. I haven't tried this particular flavour but ...

When I danced with no music!- story time

Hello Jujubears and welcome to another blog post, Today, I am going to be talking about the time I danced with no music! This was probably one of the most embarrassing things that I did whilst performing! If you go to my school and you did dance on sports day, then you will know what I am on about. So, as you probably know, this happened on sports day at school last year. I was sooo excited because in the past years, I had to actually do sport. Now, at my school, for sports day, we can do a sporting activity or a non-sporting activity. I have tried so hard in the past to choose a non-sporting activity but all the spaces were full so I had to do sports. But when I found out we could do dance, I made sure I got in. And luckily, I did.   My dance teacher was a professional dancer. (I know, fancy!). So she works just like they would do in the professional industry. Which means, we have to work double the amount in order to finish the choreo by the end of the day. Let me tell...


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