
Showing posts from July, 2018

5 foodie YouTube channels you should subscribe to- Lifestyle Monday

Hello everybody and welcome back to another blog post, Sorry for not uploading a dance post on Saturday. I was painting my room and I did not get round to writing a blog post. However, more exciting things to come! I am starting a new dance series on my blog that will begin sometime in September so keep at my Instagram stories for more updates. Secondly, today's post is super exciting because I will be sharing with you some of my favourite YouTube channels about food that I have been really enjoying recently. So without further delay, let's get on with the blog post. 👉 Sorted food I found this channel after a recent collab that they did with Rosanna Pansino (who I will also be talking about). Old school friends from Hertfordshire decided to create a British YouTube cooking channel. It has over 1 million subscribers and the channel is highly successful. I liked their channel because their videos were fun and unique. Plus the people seem genuine and funny. So I...

Is Malala Yousafzai's writing powerful?- The power of writing series- Writing Wednesday

Hello everybody and welcome back to another blog post, In today's power of writing series, I will be reviewing Malala Yousafzai's writing.  Malala is well known for advocating female education rights especially in north west Pakistan where the Taliban (a terrorist group), at times, banned girls from attending school. This advocacy has now turned into an international movement inspiring other girls to fight for their education rights. Malala was born in Mingora, Pakistan where her parents ran a chain of schools in the region. At the age of the 11-12, she wrote a blog under a pseudonym, BBC Urdu recording her life in detail of the Taliban occupation in Swat.  A journalist named Adam B. Ellick made a New York Times documentary of her life. After giving many interviews on print and on TV, she was nominated the International Children's Nobel Peace Prize by activist Desmund Tutu. However Malala's fame rose when she wrote a book named "I am Malala" sharing t...

My goals mood board- Lifestyle Monday

Made using Canva. Photos are from Pixabay.  Hello everybody and welcome back to another blog post, I've been feeling really inspired lately for some weird reason so I thought it would be a good idea to brain dump my main future goals in a mood board. There are a lot of pictures of dancers as I would really like to be a dancer (specifically in ballroom, contemporary/jazz, and hip hop). There is also a picture of tickets since I would like to dance in a big theatre production. I would also like to perform again in the Royal Albert Hall since it was such an amazing experience so there is a picture of that. As well as this I put general pictures of London since I want to work there and live there in the future. I would also like to visit New York during a Christmas because of the massive Christmas trees. At some point I would like to be on TV maybe to become a Strictly Come Dancing professional dancer or perhaps a judge since that is my favourite show. As well as being...

How to control your competetiveness- Dance Saturday

Hello everybody and welcome back to another blog post, It isn't wrong to have a desire to be better than others. That is what makes you better at what you love doing. But, if that desire becomes too strong, your competitiveness can turn into poisonous envy that can only bring you down further in what you do. About over a year ago,  I joined a highly competitive dance studio that specialised in jazz,ballet and all things technical. I despised the dancers in that studio because they had everything and they constantly compared themselves to their peers in the most ugly way possible. They compared themselves on their size and on having the most pirouettes. This was the reason I ended up leaving and going to a better studio a year later. However, I did end up learning a valuable lesson from it. I originally joined thinking that the competetiveness would make me a better dancer and more known in the dance community but I was wrong. The competetiveness was overpowering. The dancer...

Charlotte Brontë- The power of writing

Hello everybody and welcome back to another blog post, Victorian Britain was, as many would say, unfair,cruel and harsh. It is a fact that women were discriminated in the sense that they did not have a voice or the power to act on problems in society. Victorian Britain and other countries too, were very patriarchal. This is particularly apparent during the life of Charlotte Bronte.  On the 21st of April 1816 was the birth of Charlotte Bronte.  In her early life, Charlotte dedicated her life to teach children and her family. She returned to Haworth where her sister's opened a school but failed to get students. Therefore, she and her sister's turned to writing.  She and her sister's hid their true identities. Charlotte concealed her name under the pseudonym Currer Bell in a bid to sell her books.  They believed that concealing their names under a male identity would get their books to sell. This is one of the major signs of a patriarchal society during the Victor...

I danced on my own-dance exam experience

Hello everybody and welcome back to another blog post, We all have things that challenge us. I did a whole blog post on challenging yourself which I won't go into detail explaining everything but I will link the post below. The basis of that post was that challenging yourself puts you one step forward towards your goal. It's like taking a chance, there's a chance it could go wrong but if it goes right, the results are amazing. On Sunday, I challenged myself. In my old dance school, for my exams, I would dance in a group in front of the examiner. I was never really nervous because I had other people around me. I was a bit nervous for me recent exam because I had to perform on my own for the first time. I'll be honest, there was a part of me that did not want to enter the studio. But, there was also a part of me that did and knew that if I did, I could go onto do more advanced technique. I'm very glad that I managed to do it because I feel like I could do it all ove...

What I got for my 14th birthday!

Hello everybody and welcome back to another blog post, On Wednesday the 4th of July, I turned 14! Although it was a red,white, and blue celebration day, it was also a day to celebrate my birthday! I am so pleased to have gotten this many presents on my birthday because I know for some, that is just not possible. Thank you to my friends and family for the presents, I am eternally grateful.  :) One of my favourite presents this year was an Instax Polaroid camera! I think my parents decided to get one for me because my friend took a picture of me and her at a party and I really liked the effect. I've already started to take pictures using it. Next I got some teal blue sliders to wear around the house. Then I got a really nice two wick candle. I was a bit worried that the candle might smell like one of those really posh toilets since it was lavender scented! Lol. However it actually smelt really nice and I'm excited to burn it. I know my dad got t...

Let's try to celebrate what we already have in front of us

Hello everybody and welcome back to another blog post,  No doubt, there are problems in western society today. Our society is not perfect. Many women are single parents who work hard but still have to use the food bank. There are still women victims of domestic abuse and have no one to talk to. In many jobs, women get paid less money than men for the same profession. Society is not perfect and women still suffer. But there is still a massive difference between western and some eastern societies today. In places like Saudi Arabia, women are stripped from their basic human rights. They have to leave the house with the presence of a man and they are not allowed to say what they want to say. This is what makes us special. If you're a single mum, struggling with money, you can create a petition and you can make people listen to the fact that you have a problem that should not be ignored. If you are a victim of domestic abuse, you can protest and you can make people listen. If you'...


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