Don't be afraid of having a different opinion!- Writing Wednesday

Hello everybody and welcome back to my blog, Recently, I watched Zoella's vlog where she explained that she felt like she wasn't being her true self and felt like she couldn't express her true views on things in case someone took it the wrong way and found it offensive. She claims that she sits and re-watches her videos about 3 times just to make sure everything she said in that was okay. That makes me really sad because I am seeing more of that nowadays. An opinion may not be factually correct but all of the greatest ideas all started with one simple opinion. That didn't mean that everyone agreed with it because they had the choice not to. But because one person was brave enough to share their opinion, that view, changed the world. I was going to write up another power of writing post but I thought this was more worthwhile. Your opinion could have the possibility of being really stupid but it could also have the possibility of being really great so don't ...