My travel bucket list - Lifestyle Monday

Hello everybody and welcome back to another blog post, Sorry for not posting a dance article on Saturday. I was ill with a bad bug on Friday evening and I wanted to rest instead of finishing up a blog post but I'm back now. Today, I'm going to be talking about a few of the places that I would like to go to at some point in the distant future. It's nice to have something to work towards and there are definitely a few countries that I've been having my eye on recently so I'm going to share them with you today. Enjoy! I think the first place that I would really like to go to is Japan. As I'm taking standard level Japanese at school, I may have the opportunity to do this with my school but taking into consideration the current climate we're all in, I know that if that doesn't happen, I can always go myself. I actually have some relatives in Japan and so I thought it would be nice at some point to rekindle that side of my family and visit a truly amazing coun...