
Showing posts from March, 2021

How to make beer battered fish with homemade chips - Writing Wednesday

Hello everybody and welcome back to another blog post,  For today's post, I'm going to be giving you guys the recipe for the beer battered fish with homemade chips that I made on Saturday. You guys seemed to really love the the delicious chicken wrap recipe that I posted on here a couple of weeks ago now so I thought I would give you yet another delicious recipe that you can make on a Saturday night or whenever you fancy! Me and Alice are getting pretty adventurous with our meal choices for our Saturday night cooking sessions so I thought I would keep you regularly updated on all the different dishes that we try so that you can have a go too. I hope you enjoy! 😀💜 Prep time: 1h 30mins Servings: 4 people (with leftovers) or 6 people in total. Ingredients for the cheesy wedges: 8 potatoes. 100g of parmesan cheese and 50g of cheddar cheese. A bottle of vegetable oil to drizzle over the chips. Method for the cheesy wedges: Preheat your oven to 180°C. Get your 8 potatoes onto a cho...

How we celebrated my sister's 19th birthday - Lifestyle Monday

Hello everybody and welcome back to another blog post, Last Monday, me and my family celebrated my sister, Alice's, 19th birthday. I can't believe that my sister only has a year until she is not a teenager anymore, but is entering young adulthood. What's more is that I can't believe that this year I'm going to be 17 years old, meaning that I will legally be able to start taking driving lessons. I also can't believe that next year I'm going to be 18 years old, meaning that I can legally start drinking. Goodbye to baby Juliette on the sidelines of a party with her orange juice. That will be no more. 😂 It is clear that on Monday, my sister's 19th birthday really made me think about the fact that we are leaving behind an era and entering a new one and that times are changing. Ahh, shock horror!  Anyway, in the morning, at around 7:15am, me, my mum, my dad, and of course Alice, all got together to open the presents. We opened them that early because I had a ...

Creating a second dance routine for my Easter street dance classes - My Trip to Tanzania (Post 11) - Dance Saturday

Hello everybody and welcome back to another blog post,  As some of you may or may not know, I'm starting an Easter street dance class to help me fundraise for my World Challenge trip to Tanzania next year. This is a class that will be following on from my half-term street dance class that I did back in February. Unfortunately, this street dance class has not been as successful as the last one. I've had one person sign up so far and it's one of the girls who took part in the half term session and really enjoyed it. I asked her mother if she could share my advert with her group of friends on Facebook and she quite kindly did, which I really appreciated. However, one person is still money in the bank and anything I can do right now, is going to contribute to my fundraising so I've got to try and look for the positives. I'm coming up with a routine that I think would be fun to teach. I'm doing it to the song Happier by Marshmello and Bastille. It's quite a simpl...

TOK Journal Entry 5: Looking at the mobile phone popcorn experiment - Can we trust authorities of knowledge? - Writing Wednesday

Hello everybody and welcome back to another blog post,  Some people in the past have speculated whether mobile phones can cause cancer. This specific popcorn experiment, as you will see in this entry, sparked a heated debate. Let's see what the outcome of this was. I hope you enjoy!💜😀 Can we trust the authorities of knowledge?   Recently, in one of my nature of science lessons, we talked about the topic of whether phones and other pieces of technology cause cancer. We watched a short video clip that was filmed quite a while ago where three friends each put their phones together and placed popcorn cornels in the middle of the circle of phones. When the three friends rang their mobiles on separate phones, it looked like the popcorn cornels popped because of the phones. However, there was some doubt in my mind about whether this was actually true because when you pop popcorn cornels inside a saucepan, it takes a significant amount of heat energy to make the popcorn. In contrast...

LIFE UPDATE: Mock exam revision, group fundraising, and awkward conversations - My Trip to Tanzania (Post 10) - Lifestyle Monday

Hello everybody and welcome back to another blog post,  Today, I'm going to be giving you guys a little bit of a life update because I feel like a lot has happened and I thought that it would be nice to talk about it all with you on here. Grab a cup of tea, coffee, a plate of biscuits, or your breakfast and I hope you enjoy this short life update! Pixabay One of the things that has been occupying quite a lot of my time recently is revision! Yes, we're having flashbacks to the stressful GCSE exam period where we were all panicking about nothing because the exams never happened!😂💜 No, in all seriousness, I have been trying to go over a few things in science with my dad. The problem that I have sometimes is that I don't always know what I struggle with the most so it's kind of a guessing game trying to figure out what I need to work on most. However, I feel like I'm slowly getting somewhere because I now have a little bit more of an understanding of what I didn't...

Making some improvements + using props in dance - Dance Saturday

Hello everybody and welcome back to another blog post,  Recently, I feel as though I have improved a little bit more in something that I've struggled a lot with previously in dance in the past and that is using my emotion. When I started sixth form back in September, I was very much a different dancer to the one that I am now because at the start of the academic year, I thought dance was about learning routines and learning the technique whereas now, I've learnt how to enhance that further by bringing an element of myself to the dancing. In GCSE dance, I learnt a set technique like All That Jazz, Copacabanna, A Chorus Line, or even Rosas Danst Rosas and it was amazing. Being a dancer who wasn't as experienced then in jazz or contemporary, I really enjoyed learning something new and I had a great teacher to support me who was super experienced in the field of theatre as a whole. However, one of the reasons why I think that I struggled to come up with a routine with the group...

How to make delicious chicken wraps - Writing Wednesday

Hello everybody and welcome back to another blog post,  Here is the official recipe for the chicken wraps that me and my sister made on Saturday night. I hope you enjoy! Prep time: 2 hours Servings: 4 hungry people! 😂💜 Ingredients for the seasoned chicken: Recipe inspired by Tasty: 2 packets of six chicken thighs. 1 tbsp of Oregano, 1 tbsp of hot Paprika, 1 tbsp of chilli flakes, 1 tbsp of ground Cumin, 1 tsp of pepper, and 1 tsp of salt. 1 onion. 3 cloves of garlic. Vegetable oil on hand. 1 tin of chopped tomatoes. Method for the seasoned chicken: Place your Oregano, Paprika, chilli flakes, ground Cumin, pepper, and salt into a small cup and mix together. Remove your chicken from the packet and place on the chopping board. Use a sharp knife to cut the majority of the chicken flesh away from the bone, leaving some of the meat on the bone for flavour during the cooking. In a large plastic bowl, add your seasonings to your chicken and mix well usi...

What's it like taking a Covid-19 test? - Lifestyle Monday

Hello everybody and welcome back to another blog post,  Last week, I took two lateral flow Covid-19 tests. I took one on Monday in the school sports hall before I went back to college physically for lessons, and I took the other on Friday whilst I was in college. Before taking the tests, I was quite nervous because I didn't like the idea of putting a cotton swab at the back of my mouth and up my nose. I was worried that I would gag or have some sort of sneezing fit so I even decided to watch a video by Good Morning Britain where a doctor demonstrated how it was done, just so I knew what to expect when I was having my test done. However,  I was pleasantly surprised that it was actually no where near as bad as I thought it would be. On the video, the doctor said that you need to swipe 4 times at the back of your throat and 10 rotations up your nose but for mine I was told to only a few times at the back of the throat and up the nose so it was bearable. The good news as well was ...

500th blog post special: My experience of baby ballet - Dance Saturday

Hello everybody and welcome back to another blog post,  It's my 500th blog post special today and that has got to mean one thing only, I have to tell an embarrassing story! I hope you enjoy! When I was very young, about the age of 3 years old, I joined this dance class called baby ballet. I do not give credit to this event being the defining point of my dance journey, where I first learnt how to move because I very much hated going to ballet. Having taught baby ballet myself during my year 10 work experience, I know what propels mothers to send their girls to classes and it is because of the simple fact that they can place their daughters in cute leotards and tutus and tiny ballet slippers and play dress up as adults. This was the main reason why my mum put me and my older sister Alice, in these classes as well because she also wanted to dress us up all pretty and cute. I have a nice little photo of me and Alice doing a nice tendu en devant in our burgundy red leotards, smiling and...

TOK Journal Entry 4: Analysing how knowledge is communicated in Antigone - Writing Wednesday

Hello everybody and welcome back to another blog post, Take a look at TOK journal entry 4! Enjoy! How do we communicate the same knowledge effectively?     Last term in English lessons, we’ve been reading, studying, and thinking about  the text and play of Antigone.  Antigone is a play written by  the  Ancient Greek tragic play writer, Sophocles, around  the years  440 and 44 1 BC.  Antigone is about the aftermath of the civil war against  Eteocles and Polyn e ices,  the two  sons of Oedipus, the previous king of Thebes .    When the two sons kill each othe r Creon, who is next in line to the throne, succeeds the two sons and during the beginning of his rule, he  leaves Polyneices’s body to the vultures  as he had betrayed the kingdom by going against Eteocles .  The whole drama of the play begins   when Antigone betrays the law of Creon, by giving her brother Polyneices, a proper religious burial....


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