How to make beer battered fish with homemade chips - Writing Wednesday

Hello everybody and welcome back to another blog post, For today's post, I'm going to be giving you guys the recipe for the beer battered fish with homemade chips that I made on Saturday. You guys seemed to really love the the delicious chicken wrap recipe that I posted on here a couple of weeks ago now so I thought I would give you yet another delicious recipe that you can make on a Saturday night or whenever you fancy! Me and Alice are getting pretty adventurous with our meal choices for our Saturday night cooking sessions so I thought I would keep you regularly updated on all the different dishes that we try so that you can have a go too. I hope you enjoy! 😀💜 Prep time: 1h 30mins Servings: 4 people (with leftovers) or 6 people in total. Ingredients for the cheesy wedges: 8 potatoes. 100g of parmesan cheese and 50g of cheddar cheese. A bottle of vegetable oil to drizzle over the chips. Method for the cheesy wedges: Preheat your oven to 180°C. Get your 8 potatoes onto a cho...