How did I do my IAs? - Lifestyle Monday

Hello everybody and welcome back to another blog post, 

No challenge is ever over but at least yesterday I was able to enjoy the victory of another battle. On Monday and Tuesday, I will be writing my TOK essay and after that, the bulk of my IB coursework should be complete. All 7 of my essays for all 7 of my subjects will be written and a few will need re-drafting but things are gradually being ticked off of the list. As I wrote at the start of year 13, I was really worried about my IAs and I wasn't sure if I would be able to complete everything that I needed to. I was so worried in fact, I created mini backup plans for myself in case I fell behind schedule. However, now that I can see the end, I'm looking back and wishing that I had a bit more self-belief. Because I was organised, I did work hard, and I asked for no extensions, which is something to be proud of. There were times when I thought things would not work out. For a long time, my maths IA didn't seem to be coming together and I was getting a bit anxious because I couldn't find an essay concept that worked for me. But with a bit of perseverance, I was able to put something together and now the end of this section of the course is near! Next up will be my second set of mock examinations for the IB, which will be happening at the start of January, just as we return to school from the Christmas holidays! I know, that means I've got to start revising. I've tried to get some revision in after the October half term but my coursework was my main priority at the time. However, with that nearly out of the way, I would like to start revising properly so that I don't have a whole load of work to do during the Christmas holidays. I would definitely like to adopt a more confident attitude for the mocks this time round as I felt that for my mock exams in year 12, I let my nerves get the better of me a little bit for some of my papers. Looking back on my journey with my coursework so far, I wish I was a bit more confident because clearly I had the potential to achieve. Maybe I should try and implement a little bit more confidence for my exams and see where I takes me. This is something that my friends try to instill in me all the time and maybe I should listen and take their advice!

Have you got any confidence tips that you would like to share with me? Let me know in the comments below and I'll be sure to reply to them. I ♡ hearing from you!

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See you next time, 


XOX, Juliette

P.S. Check out my latest dance video on my YouTube channel! ⬇️πŸ‘‡


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