
Showing posts from December, 2021

Going away for Christmas - Blogmas day 4

Hello everybody and welcome back to another blog post,  Tomorrow, from when you're reading this, me and my family will be going away to Yorkshire to spend Christmas. We will be staying in a cottage near Robin Hood's Bay between the 23rd and the 27th of December, spending Christmas Eve, Christmas Day, and Boxing Day in Yorkshire, which should be a lot of fun. As someone who is a fan of James Herriot, I'm very much looking forward to seeing Yorkshire for the first time. Recently, I've been watching the second series of James Herriot's All Creatures Great and Small on the TV and seeing the rolling hills of the Yorkshire Dales, as well as the picturesque countryside has really sold the Yorkshire landscape to me. I've been to the North of England before when I went on the year 10 dance trip to Manchester but Yorkshire is a place that I have always wanted to visit but never had the chance to, so I'm very much excited to go. I heard that the area we are staying in ...

I performed my rock 'n' roll duet for the exam - Dance Saturday

Hello everybody and welcome back to another blog post,  On Thursday, I filmed my rock 'n' roll duet with my partner at school. In order to complete the IB Dance course, I need to do my IB dance investigation (which I've done a lot of already 😂), my solo, my group dance, and my duet. As a result, before we broke off for the Christmas holidays, we all decided that Thursday would be the day to get filming the duet. For me, the whole rehearsal process for the rock 'n' roll duet was kind of stressful because my partner was off sick for a week with Covid. Therefore, for most of the classes, whilst other people were rehearsing, I was sitting in the corner of the studio catching up on work. I tried revisiting some of the choreography by myself but it was a little bit difficult to do all the partner work without my partner, so I thought that studying would be a better use of time. However, fortunately for me, me and my partner had already finished most of our routine the we...

Boris Johnson is bending to the media - Writing Wednesday

Hello everybody and welcome back to another blog post,  Now I'm not one to constantly pose my opinion on governmental matters. I'm more of a person who likes to discuss philosophical and social matters that I think have an impact on the people around us. But with the latest hysteria surrounding the new Omicron variant that seems to be rising exponentially in the UK, I felt as though I had to say something. To me, it feels as though the Prime Minister Boris Johnson, is bending towards the media a little bit. I think that after the recent scandal that surfaced the media of Boris and his fellow MPs taking part in a Chrismas party at the height of lockdown last year, Boris is  keen to impress. To be honest, I've been impressed by much of what Boris has done for the UK, especially with regards to the roll out of the Covid-19 vaccine. Way ahead of schedule, Boris began stockpiling Covid vaccines and earlier this year, they were rolled out to many people. First it was the elderly ...

Watching The Princess Switch in French - Blogmas day 3

Hello everybody and welcome back to another blog post,  On Saturday, I decided to watch my favourite Christmas movie, The Princess Switch, in French! As I'm sure many of you already know by now, I'm actually half French and having lived in England for so long now, I often find that it's difficult to keep up with my French. The other day, I was talking to my sister about the difficulties of learning to speak Japanese, which is a language that I'm currently studying in college right now. She said that I've got to immerse myself in the language, which is what I'm attempting to do through listening to things in Japanese. However, I thought that the same principle could apply to my French, so for the first time in a long time, I watched a film in French and it was great. I'm sure that I've already explained to you the basic story of The Princess Switch, but in case you've never watched it before or haven't seen my past blog posts, I will give you a br...

The Project 21 Christmas dance show!👯‍♀️💃 - Blogmas day 2

Hello everybody and welcome back to another blog post,  Last Saturday was officially the final class of Proiect 21 for 2021! Isn't that strange? I know that so many people say this every year but I seriously feel like 2021 has flashed before my eyes. So much has happened this year that I feel as though I've been unable to absorb it all. There have been so many great moments and so many sad moments that I'm sure you've all already read about on my blog but the Project 21 Christmas dance show was a way to celebrate everything, come together and have fun. Although I've had some issues with Project 21 in the past, I had a great time last Saturday dancing with all of the members of the team! And working alongside my friends who have joined the family too: Teresa and Audrey, who helped out with everything as well. Maia would have liked to have been there as well, but she went to spend the weekend in Italy with her family, so she was unfortunately unable to join us. Nevert...

Accountability: Arthur Labinjo-Hughes - Writing Wednesday

Hello everybody and welcome back to another blog post,  I'm sure that most of you have heard about the absolutely tragic story of Arthur Labinjo-Hughes but if you haven't, here is a brief overview.  Arthur Labinjo-Hughes, a 6 year old boy from Solihull in the West Midlands, was killed by his stepmother and father in June 2020. Arthur moved into his father's home during the 2020 lockdown after his mother was sent to prison. The lockdown meant that Arthur was trapped in a home where both his stepmother and father were physically abusive towards him. Emma Tustin, Arthur's stepmother, did not see Arthur as one of her own and did not accept him into the family as a result. Consequently, Arthur was isolated from the rest of the family and children in the home. He was made to stand in the corridor on his own for up to 14 hours. He was also excluded from his bedroom and made to sleep on the floor in the living room. He was forced to eat salt-laced meals and was repeatedly beate...

Getting the Christmas tree! 🎄🎄 - Blogmas day 1

Hello everybody and welcome back to another blog post,  Happy Blogmas! I hope that you're enjoying your Christmas countdown so far. I will be uploading occasional Blogmas posts alongside my normal posts for Christmas this year so please stay tuned. There are lots of amazing things to come. 💜🎄 On Tuesday, me, my mum, and my sister decided to get our Christmas tree from our favourite place, The Milton Maize Maze, in Cambridge. It's become a family tradition to get our real Christmas tree from here so we couldn't possibly go anywhere else. It was a rather spurr of the moment decision to get the Christmas tree on the 30th of November. My mum quite literally came to collect me from college and asked if I wanted to get the Christmas tree and of course I said yes. With my mum being so busy with her baking classes this month and with me and my sister also having quite busy schedules, we decided to get the tree as soon as possible, when we all had the time. This year, we were able...

This is not what dance is about - Dance Saturday

Hello everybody and welcome back to another blog post,  On Thursday, I had a contemporary dance workshop at school with a young lady from the Sababa Company. As you all already know, for the beginning of year 13, I have not been doing many practical dance sessions at school because my teachers decided to focus more on coursework. As a result, I've been trying to get involved in more dance workshops to keep up with the momentum of general training. A few weeks ago, I did an urban dance workshop with IRIE Dance Theatre which was great and you can read all about my experience of that here . However, on Thursday I decided to attend this contemporary dance workshop that had a feminist twist and in my humble opinion, it was not a great workshop and I will tell you why. Dance is a beautiful art form that allows one to freely interpret their emotions and thoughts through movement, without having the societal or cultural constraints imposed upon them. When you therefore attach feminism, a c...


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A visitor from Liverpool viewed 'Entering the real world - Lifestyle Monday' 14 days 5 hrs ago
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