
Showing posts from January, 2022

How we've coped with my mum being away - Lifestyle Monday

Hello everybody and welcome back to another blog post,  As I'd mentioned before, a few weeks ago now, my mum went away to Réunion to spend a month with my grandad, my auntie, my uncle, and my cousins. As a result, me, Alice, and my dad have been looking after the house while she has been away and since my mum is expected to return this Saturday, I'm going to give you guys an update on how we coped without her being here. Overall, I think we did pretty well. When your mum isn't around, you certainly appreciate all the things that she does around the house to keep the place ship shape. During our month alone, me and Alice have been washing the clothes and hanging them up to dry or putting them in the tumble dryer. We've also shared the job of vacuuming the house and cleaning the bathrooms. During the first two weeks without my mum being here, it was a little bit challenging to keep on top of everything because I had my mock exams and I was focusing more on revision than a...

Something for young adults - Dance Saturday

Hello everybody and welcome back to another blog post,  Recently, I read an interesting article on Dance Plug, the online dance studio and service that I'm currently subscribed to, where this company owner wrote about how she managed to build her own dance company out of the people from her local community. She said that her company started off with a group of her friends getting together every week to come up with choreography and soon it grew into a professional contemporary dance company that toured the country and brought together dancers from different walks of life. I thought this was interesting because I think for a long time I've been searching for someone to point out the lack of classes that there are available for young adults between the ages of around 18 and 25. For me, I will be turning 18 in July and recently I have been trying to find dance lessons for people that are around my age but there were very few that really hooked me. Hence why my parents turned me to...

An update on my mock exams - Lifestyle Monday

Hello everybody and welcome back to another blog post,  Today I thought I would give you guys an update on how my January mock exams went as I was able to finish my exams on Thursday. Overall, everything went better than I had initially anticipated. Before I went into the mock exams, I was really nervous because I didn't like the idea of starting the new year with a full week of exams. However, now I've realised that a lot of the nerves were me just making the situation out to be worse than it actually was. I'm not going to lie, there were plenty of occasions during the week that had me feeling stressed. My history exam was probably the most challenging exam just because there were so many dates and little details for me to remember and I had to really adopt the critical thinking attitude when it came to writing my essays, it was really a challenge to do well. My Japanese exam was probably difficult as well as I struggled at times to understand all the texts and what the di...

Dance goals for 2022 - Dance Saturday

Hello everybody and welcome back to another blog post,  In my last blog post, I mentioned that in 2022 I wanted to start doing more of the things that I liked doing as although I had many great times in 2021, it was a year that was often characterised by school and trying to keep up with my IB diploma and this year I really want to break free from that and start to find myself. Now is the perfect time to start talking about this as in about 5 months time, I will be leaving school and I hope that when I leave, there will be a period of time where I will get to relax but also start trying to pursue some of the things that I enjoy doing. With regards to dance there are a few loose goals that I would like to set myself. The first is that I would like to extend my online dance classes out to a few more people. I'm currently teaching dance classes on Zoom to a young girl in the area to help me fundraise for my trip to Tanzania this summer and it's going great but I hope that when I w...

2022 is the year to prioritise myself - Writing Wednesday

Hello everybody and welcome back to another blog post,  I don't wish to give myself strict resolutions for this year as I'm just interested in seeing what happens. However, there is one thing I would like to do and that is focus on myself. On the weekend, I did a last minute history revision session after work with my Polish friend Teresa. She came over for lunch as well and tasted my dad's omelette for the first time which she absolutely loved. My mum's gone back home to Réunion to see my uncle and cousins, and also my grandad who is unfortunately not well. However, this has meant that Teresa was able to see what my dad's cooking was like and she was impressed. Overall the revision session was very helpful and it was a well spent study session. We were able to do some baking after the study session and we made a giant cookie cake, Teresa's recipe, which I posted a photo of on my Instagram story. However, the most profound part of the day was where we talked abo...

A Christmas holiday in Yorkshire - Lifestyle Monday

Hello everybody and welcome back to another blog post,  As I'm sure many of you already know, I spent part of my Christmas holiday in Yorkshire with my family. We stayed in an Air B&B next to Robin Hood's Bay, where we celebrated Christmas Eve, Christmas Day, and Boxing Day and it was a lot of fun. My mum got the inspiration to go to Yorkshire for Christmas when she watched an episode of the Hairy Bikers on the TV and saw them cooking amazing seafood on the beach of Robin Hood's Bay and she thought it would be the perfect opportunity to go and see the place for ourselves. During our stay, we went on a lot of walks by the sea and we were able to see the house in which the Hairy Bikers had stayed in which was pretty cool. The only shoes we had brought with us were our walking boots as they were the most practical for the hilly terrain. We didn't do too much hiking this time as there was a biting cold and staying out for long periods of time zapped the energy out of yo...

All about: Nikki and Ethan White, co-authors of Prima Ballerina - Dance Saturday

Hello everybody and welcome back to another blog post,  Apologies for not posting in so long! I went on a mini Christmas break to Yorkshire over the holidays, which was a lot of fun but I haven't been keeping you guys updated! I guess that I ended up taking an unintentional break from writing but I'm back now and I hope that you haven't missed my little antics too much. I will be posting what I got up to in Yorkshire on Monday so stay tuned for that but today, I'm reviving the All about ____ series that I began a while ago. If you are unaware of what this All about _____ series is, it's where I write about influential people in the world who have changed the way we view dance. As one of my presents for Christmas, my parents signed me up for this dance subscription service called Dance Plug where you have access to classes in various different styles of dance, as well as dance news, dance videos, and interviews for you to watch and work your way through at your own p...


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A visitor from Liverpool viewed 'Entering the real world - Lifestyle Monday' 13 days 21 hrs ago
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