The difference between farming animals and hunting animals- Writing Wednesday

Hello everybody and welcome back to another blog post,

I've been asked about this a lot. I did a blog post a while back on trophy hunting and I received about 4 comments from someone who questioned my opinion. They asked, well if you are not okay with trophy hunting, why are you okay farming? I also had a small debate with another user on Instagram after I commented on a post informing people about hunting in Africa, saying how bad it was that we treat animals like objects instead of living beings. The user asked a similar question, well if you are not okay with hunting animals in Africa, why are you okay farming? Understandably, this is a question people want to ask and perhaps I didn't explain myself properly before hand, so I'm going to explain my opinion now. To be honest, we can technically farm animals in Africa and kill them for their meat or for their ivory. That way, we get what we want and we dont kill off the species. However, we're farming enough meat as it is, some may say that we're farming even too much, so I personally don't see the point in farming all the animals in the world when we don't need to. If we farmed all the animals in the world just because we wanted to, that's in my view, when we become controlling leaders over animals which is not what we should be if we want to be humane. I also don't think it's fair to kill an animal straight from the wild when they haven't been fully placed under our care to be eventually killed for our consumption. I think it's only fair to kill an animal for it's meat if we brought them up to be that way and that over time, evolution has allowed us to have a symbiotic relationship with the animals like we would have with our family pets. That's why I agree with farming but not with hunting because we haven't breed the animal to be that way. It would be like letting an animal free from captivity when they've been brought up by humans from birth and have no idea what the wild is like. There is no doubt that being vegetarian or vegan have health benefits to humans, but in my opinion, meat provides an easier source of protein than in plants that we have to extract the protein from. In evolution, unless it's 100% worth it to themselves, animals always will go for the easier option. That is why I still eat the meat and am not vegan. I hope this makes my past views a little clearer now.

What about you? Is there really a difference between farming animals and hunting animals? Let me know in the comments below and I'll be sure to reply to them. I ♡ hearing from you!

(*Disclaimer* everyone is entitled to their own opinion, so I hope you respect my opinion just as much as I respect yours even if we both agree or disagree. Please be nice to me and one another in the comments. I only brought up this topic because I was asked a lot of questions on it so I thought I would address my views on here.)

See you next time,


XOX, Juliette

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