What I got in my year 10 mocks - Writing Wednesday

Hello everybody and welcome back to another blog post,

I wanted to take a little break from the fascinating history of the Vietnam War, today, and I wanted to talk to you about and show you what I got in my mock exams. Overall, I'm really impressed with my performance and although I thought I did badly in some of my tests, because the grade boundaries are taken on the year average, my overall grades were a lot higher. I also just wanted to show you my grades because I thought it would be inspiring to others to not be afraid or ashamed of what they got and to really be proud and own your strengths and weaknesses. If you've put in the effort outside of school, then you can't really be disappointed in yourself because you know that you've tried your hardest. If you didn't put in the effort outside of school, perhaps that's what you need to work on next time. But, I know that year 10 can be quite challenging and stressful so I just wanted to show you what hard work can achieve.

I'm really impressed with what I got in science because despite not doing as well as I'd hoped to do in physics, the sciences combined, gave me my overall grade and I managed to get a 7 in total. On the chart it says 6s but that's for individual sciences. Overall, I'm really happy with what I got because if I can continue on the way that I'm going, I'll be able to get the grades I need to be in the college I want.

I was also really impressed with history because despite not doing as well as I'd hoped, my teacher knew that we could do better so he raised our grades a little bit for what he thought we were capable of. I also need a 6 to do history later on so that's a good sign that I'm already achieving it now.

I'm also really proud of myself for what I got in English because I didn't think that I would do that well. However, I managed to get a 6 and that's what I need if I want to take that subject further, i.e, college.

Really, I'm impressed with everything that I got because as I said, basing my results on my performance, I didn't think that they would turn out as well as they did. It does show the product of all my hard work that I've been putting outside of lessons. I've been making flashcards,mind maps, and I've been using my revision guide as well as online revision resources to test me on my knowledge. I've had to cancel some family days out to revise at home for my exams and I think that it all played off and I didn't fail anything which is more than I could have asked for.

What are you proud of in your exams? What grade were you most impressed with? Let me know in the comments below and I'll be sure to reply to them. I ♡ hearing from you!

See you next time,


XOX, Juliette

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