Dancing with Cambridge Youth Dance Company - Dance Saturday

Hello everybody and welcome back to another blog post, 

A few weeks ago now, I told you guys in a blog post that I would be taking a dance taster session at Impington Village College with the members of Cambridge Youth Dance Company. You can read that blog post here if you missed it. However, I did end up going to the taster session and overall it was an enjoyable experience. As I mentioned in the last blog post, the session took place between 5pm and 6:30pm on a Tuesday. When I arrived at the large dance studio at 5pm, I was joined by a group of other young dancers who were around my age, although I do believe that I was the oldest in the group. We began the class with an introductory session, where we introduced ourselves and Kate, the artistic director, gave us a brief description of what the company classes entailed. Then we moved onto some improv exercises. Initially, we had to close our eyes and feel and interpret the music in our own different ways. Then, when we were warm, we opened our eyes and began travelling across the floor, interacting with each other and mimicking each other's movements. For the rest of the session, we spread ourselves out in the studio and learnt a few contemporary combinations that were choreographed by Kate. At the end of the session, we took one of these combinations and split into pairs, where we began to adapt the choreography to make it our own. My partner was perhaps a little bit shy but she seemed quite nice and in the end, we were able to create a pretty decent routine. We were all told to split the combinations into three different sections, switch the sections around, and create our own movements to link the sections together. Me and my partner performed our routine first and it went pretty well. We also got the chance to see the way other groups interpreted the combination which was pretty cool. I could see that there were a lot of really talented dancers present in the room and I really enjoyed watching everyone's choreography. We ended the session with a cool down and a last closing statement from Kate. If we wish to audition for the company, we can sign up for the auditions in August and the auditions will happen in September. Kate told us that the audition process will be very similar to the layout of the taster session so it won't be anything too serious and we won't have to prepare any routines in advance. I'm still undecided if I do want to audition. Everything we did in the taster session was very much similar to what I did in my dance classes whilst I was still at Impington and I think I want to try and focus on something new. I do still like dancing contemporary and learning different combinations in this style so I don't really know what decision I'm going to make but we'll just have to wait and see. I thought that the company classes were free because all the members have to audition but I think the fee for taking the classes will be £80 per month. Now that I have a job, this shouldn't be too hard to pay but I don't know if this is how I want to direct my money. For now at least, I'm going to keep dancing and spend some time thinking about whether I want to do this audition. I guess only time will tell.

Howver, one dance related thing I have been doing recently is advertising for my new online dance classes for young adults. Here is all the relevant information for how you can spread the word and join in!


Hello everyone 👋. My name's Juliette Page and I am an 18 year old dancer from Cambridgeshire, UK. I have been dancing with my 20 year old sister Alice Page since the age of 7 years old, beginning with street dance and progressing onto styles such as jazz and contemporary. A year ago I began teaching weekly dance classes on Zoom for a 12 year old girl in the area and she has remained a loyal student ever since. As a result, me and my older sister are now looking to start up another dance class on Zoom but this time for young adults, since we recognise that there aren't many classes available for people in this age range. All the information about the class is on the poster so please give it a read. But overall we aim for these classes to be mature, fun, and challenging, so that you can improve your technique in a way the suits you. If you're interested please do not hesitate to email me (juliettepage15@gmail.com) or PM either one of us (@Juliette Page and @Alice Page on Facebook) and we'll send over all the relevant information. Please share this message with other people you know who might be interested in the classes too. 😀 Thank you! 🙏

My dance Facebook page: Juliette Page's School of Dance

Link to Facebook advert: Dance School Advert

What my classes will look like!

Have you ever done an audition before? Let me know in the comments below and I'll be sure to reply to them. I ♡ hearing from you!

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See you next time, 


XOX, Juliette

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