
Showing posts from April, 2018

Long lost poem!

Cats sleep, anywhere, Any table, any chair, Top of piano, window ledge, In the middle,on the edge, Open drawer,empty shoe, Anybody's lap will do, Fitted in a cardboard box, In the cupboard,with your frocks, Anywhere, they don't care, Cats sleep anywhere! By Eleanor Farjeon As I went up the stair, I met a man who wasn't there, He wasn't there again today, Oh how I'd wish he'd go away! By William Hughes Mearns Hello everybody and welcome back to another blog post, Fun story! The other day I had a bit of day ja voo. I remember reading this poem with my sister about cats. I remember trying to memrise it! Me and my sister used to share a bedroom and one day we woke up really early chanting the poem really loud. I think it annoyed my parents! The second poem I remember it really confusing me because it did not make any sense. This was the first time that I found out about nonsense poems. Do you have any childhood poems? Let me...

My gymnastics video!

Here I edited another video! Hope you enjoy.☺ -ps, this video can be found on my YouTube channel.👇 Link below👇 See you next time, Bye XOX, Juju Links to sites I'm on: Instagram📷- My book review blog📓- My YouTube channel🎥-

Writing with my right hand vs writing with my left hand - The Ambidextrous Challenge

Duration for writing with my left hand (top paragraph):12 minutes Duration for writing with my right hand (bottom paragraph):5 minutes Total word count in 1 paragraph: 34 words Which hand can you write with the best? Let me know in the comments below, See you next time, Bye XOX,Juju Links to sites I'm on: Instagram📷- My book review blog📓- My YouTube channel🎥-

Some of your comments!

Hello everybody and welcome back to another blog post, Here is a tribute to my amazing audience which I can now call my biggest fans. Thanks for supporting me throughout my short journey. I hope our family extends! Keep the comments up! See you next time, Bye XOX,Juju Links to sites I'm on: Instagram📷- My book review blog📓- My YouTube channel🎥-

My thoughts and views on anxiety

Hello everybody and welcome back to another blog post, What does it mean to challenge yourself. Well, it means stepping outside of your comfort zone and pushing beyond your limits. There have been some times in the past where I have been challenged. In year six, I went on my first ever residential trip and I was so nervous. It was the first time that I have ever been away from home. But....! I did it. I was so happy that I did it. And now, going on residential trips is just second nature to me. That is because I challenged myself. So what happened to the people who now suffer from anxiety? I have had friends in the past that have told me that they have anxiety and to be honest, I know it's because they were simply not brave enough to challenge themselves in the past. It's not because they have been through anything particularly traumatizing. I live in a small village and there is absolutely nothing to be anxious about. I do know that some people really have anxiety. Like when...

Easter, April fool's, writers block-Juliette's 3 day journeys

Saturday 31st March I literally did no work today. It was the 2nd day into the holidays and I was prepared to relax! I woke up late. I did not exactly eat a healthy breakfast. I watched TV whilst eating my breakfast and I did no homework. Personally, I think that I worked hard at school,okay! I think that from time to time,after working hard, it is good to relax. And that is exactly what I did. It wasn't even Easter Sunday and I ate unhealthily! Who cares. Sunday 1st April This year, Easter was on the 1st of April. Meaning it was April fools! So as well as doing a bad Easter egg hunt, which I already blogged about, I also watched an April fools video on YouTube. It was of Jamie Oliver talking about this one ingredients recipe book. It was making fun of people who can't cook.  Check it out because it was so funny! Monday 2nd April After Easter was over, it was time to do some homework! For history, we had to write an essay for the impact of The First World War on the local ...

March favourites

Hello everybody and welcome back to another blog post, Today, as you can tell by the title, I will be doing the long awaited March favourites. I'm not a fan of forcing favourites. I only do favourites blog posts when I've actually been enjoying quite a lot of things. This month I did! So I hope you enjoy.☺ I got this top ages ago which was either from Topshop or Primark but I found it at the bottom of my drawer in my cupboard. I really like it! My next favourite are these books which I finished. Full book reviews out soon on my book review blog. Link below! My next favourite is this hand cream which my sister kindly gave to me. She's got sensitive skin so this hand cream is not good for that, but if you don't have sensitive skin then this is the cream for you. It is by Baylis and Harding England. I also really enjoyed these bath essences by Calcot Manor. It's been my mission to read more and I've been reading a lot in the bath. These bat...

Tired,certificates and Good Friday pancakes-Juliette's 3 day journeys

Wednesday 28th March Today I was really tired. I don't know why but I was just really struggling to concentrate. In maths, I literally forgot everything! Oh well, I suppose it was due to the fact that It was nearly the Easter holidays. SO I WAS ALLOWED TO BE TIRED! Jokes. The most painful thing that I had to do was a full hour of dance. You probably already know this but at school, we are currently rehearsing for a dance show which means that we are training so hard! By the end of it, I was exhausted! Thursday 29th March It was the last day of school today. Yay! However, It does mean, CERTIFICATES. Now, I know what you're  thinking. 'But Juliette, getting a certificate is a good thing.' But no! At school, we've got a new headteacher which means, new ways of doing things. Today, we had an assembly where we got a prize for doing good things. Luckily I got my certificate during form but I know that some had to stand up in front of everyone in the assembly to get the...

What I packed to Cromer!

Hello everybody and welcome to another blog post, I recently went to Cromer, Norfolk with my family just to chill and relax before big upcoming tests. I had a lot of fun there. The place we were staying had a Jacuzzi, a sauna, a pool and a steam room all for a very good price (I will leave the location of the place on the side) but more about this on my 3 day journeys. Here is what I packed. Enjoy! The first thing that I packed was a long sleeved top with cut outs on the shoulders with the word beauty at the front. This is probably from Primark. To pair with that, I got these blue high-waisted jeans also from Primark. I also got this grey lace up on the sides top. This was from Topshop. I paired this with just some simple grey leggings from Tesco. I also brought two of my favourite books to read. I also brought some deodorant,a hair brush and hair gobbles in my Treacle Moon wash bag! I also bought my swimming costume since the...

starting a YouTube channel,average Monday,nearly Easter-Juliette's 3 day journeys

Sunday 25th March I don't know why but today has just been one of those days when I knew it was school the next day and I was already miserable. Do you get that sometimes? You probably don't but oh well! As per uge, I woke up at around 9 am and did the usual. You must be bored of me saying that but I'm sure you have like a little routine when you get up in the morning. Today, I started a YouTube channel. (Subscribe now link below!). I started it because firstly, I would like to post some videos on there and secondly I tried uploading the video of my mum's chocolate master class onto my blog but the file size was too big so I decided that it would be a good idea to upload it onto YouTube. So yeah! Let me know what you think of my channel in the comments below! Monday 26th March Today was a pretty average day. I had a French test on listening and translating into French. That was fun! (not) Then I had RE then I did a dance practice a lunch. We are having a dance show...

My Easter Egg + funny story

Hello everybody and welcome to another blog post, Today is Easter Sunday. Now, this morning, I was expecting to have a little bit of an Easter egg hunt since it's kind of tradition now. Last Easter, it took me and my sister like 15 minutes to find our giant eggs but this year, no lie, it took me like 2 seconds to find the Easter egg. In our extension, we have this giant table in between two sofas and there is a place to store things underneath it. I saw this shiny purple wrapping paper sticking out from under the table so I obviously decided to look and guess what I found? Easter eggs. Wow, such a great hiding place mum! Here is what the Easter eggs looked like. Hope you are having/had a great Easter! Let me know in the comments below how you are spending/spent your Easter? See you next time, Bye XOX,Juju Links to sites I'm on- Instagram📷- My book review blog📕(Anne Frank book review out now!)- https://jujupage1sbook...


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