What I did in China Town - Writing Wednesday

Hello everybody and welcome back to another blog post, For those of you who follow me on Instagram, you would know that over half term, I went to China Town in London. After finally receiving my full passport from the French embassy, me my mum and my sister decided to do something fun and we decided to go to China Town since we've never been before. It was a lot of fun. After searching around a bit, we decided to eat at a Chinese buffet restaurant where you could eat whatever you wanted and as much as you wanted all for the same amount of money. I stuffed myself with spring rolls, fried chicken and vegetables, it was delicious! Then we walked around and we came across the famous entrance gates. I took a really cool shot of one of them which I posted on my Snapseed edits Instagram highlights. Check that out to see more. We also went to Chinese food shops but we didn't end up getting anything. It seemed nice though, apart from this one shop which smelt really bad! 😂 ...