
Showing posts from February, 2019

What I did in China Town - Writing Wednesday

Hello everybody and welcome back to another blog post, For those of you who follow me on Instagram, you would know that over half term, I went to China Town in London. After finally receiving my full passport from the French embassy, me my mum and my sister decided to do something fun and we decided to go to China Town since we've never been before. It was a lot of fun. After searching around a bit, we decided to eat at a Chinese buffet restaurant where you could eat whatever you wanted and as much as you wanted all for the same amount of money. I stuffed myself with spring rolls, fried chicken and vegetables, it was delicious! Then we walked around and we came across the famous entrance gates. I took a really cool shot of one of them which I posted on my Snapseed edits Instagram highlights. Check that out to see more. We also went to Chinese food shops but we didn't end up getting anything. It seemed nice though, apart from this one shop which smelt really bad! 😂 ...

Why our society has become a cautious and overprotective mess- Lifestyle Monday

Hello everybody and welcome back to another blog post, I've been noticing this amongst people for a while now but I could never really put what I thought into words until very recent events have occured and now I feel as though I have a suitable argument about it. There have been so many past events that have understandably caused us to to take precautions to prevent them from occurring again. A good example of this is the years of slave labour and the segregation between black and white people in America that soon followed. People have been so scarred from these devastating events which racially split good people apart that people have now become activists against it to ensure that the horror never happens again. Another example of this is the way women were treated in the past. The fact that women weren't allowed to speak there mind like men could, meant that dues to frustration, a feminist group known as the suffragettes was formed to rebel against their society's ways...

Some key dance skills i'm hoping to achieve + happy 2 year bloggiversary- Dance Saturday

Hello everybody and welcome back to another blog post, First and foremost I would like to thank you guys out there for supporting me for the past 2 years on my blog. I completely forgot it was my bloggiversary, it should have really been announced on the 14th, the exact date I started but it doesn't matter because we're celebrating it now. Around two years ago because I haven't been keeping exact track, at 12 I began blogging. I've always been so passionate for writing that my mum came up with the idea of starting a blog. One day, on my dad's birthday, we went to Norfolk to celebrate and that's when me and my mum went on the Blogger website and created my very own page. It looks a lot different now but back then, with such little experience in this field, I found it amazing. I believe, correct me if I'm wrong, that my first post was a what I eat in a day post. Back then, it was only a bit of fun but it has now become one of my most viewed and most popular ...

Is trophy hunting an acceptable thing to do?- Writing Wednesday

Hello everybody and welcome back to another blog post, A couple weeks ago, I watched a documentary by Louis Theroux which was about trophy hunting in Africa. Louis Theroux is renowned for making documentaries on controversial topics. He is excellent at filming these documentaries without imposing too much of his own opinion on the subject. If you have time to watch this, I really recommend you do because some of the things I saw were shocking and I was stunned that people were not ashamed by their actions. This is what I'm going to talk about today but if you want to watch the documentary, I'll leave the link below. It's truly worth the watch. The first place that Louis visited was a house owned by hunters from Ohio. Unable to hunt anything considered to be interesting in their own country, they went to South Africa to hunt there. They hunt things from wild boar to zebras. One lady that they interviewed was cautious at first to do the hunting, but once she managed to ki...

January favourites 2019- Lifestyle Monday

Hello everybody and welcome back to another blog post, I know it's been long awaited but I thought it would be fitting to do today. For this post, I'm going to be showing you my January favourites 2019. There have been so many things that I loved last month and I thought I would share them with you today. Enjoy! The first thing thing that I've been loving this past month is the Netflix series, Pretty Little Liars. I recently got Netflix and was struggling to find a good series to watch and my friends suggested PLL to me and I've been enjoying watching it ever since. I've also been loving the book All Creatures Great and Small by James Herriot which I've been talking a lot about on my book blog, The Book Hub, go check it out. I liked this book because it was light-hearted and funny but I will talk more about that on my review in my book blog tomorrow. I've also been loving the Flatter lip balm and moisturiser from my Christmas gift box which I mentione...

An inspirational dancer I wish to talk about, Misty Copeland- Dance Saturday

Hello everybody and welcome back to another blog post, There are so many amazing dancers out there but today I would like to talk about just one and I'm sure many of you have already heard of her. Misty Copeland. She was the first African American woman to be promoted to principal dancer in ABT's 75-year history. What's even more amazing was that she only started ballet at the age of 13. Despite her mother fighting legal custody issues over her, Copeland became an award-winning dancer and was working with other professional dancers. Whilst legal proceedings to do with her mother were dropped, Copeland moved home to study with a new teacher who was a former ABT member. Copeland was born in Kansas City, Missouri but was raised in San Pedro community of Los Angeles, California. Her father, Doug Copeland, was of German and African American descent whilst her mother Sylvia DelaCerna is of Italian and African-American ancestry and was adopted by African American parents. She ...

Photography tips that I learnt from Stella Pereira - Writing Wednesday

Hello everybody and welcome back to another blog post, On Sunday, one of my mum's friends came over to do a photography workshop with me and my sister. Her name is Stella Pereira and she is an amazing photographer. Her photos have a very particular style. Although they're incredibly high quality, they are very dark and moody. This was the first thing that Stella taught us, lighting can affect an entire picture. As I was experimenting with a couple of photos, Stella blocked out the light coming from our kitchen window with a cheese cloth or added a black background. I was surprised that it never actually changed the quality of the photo, it just added a "moodier" element to it as Stella explained. She also taught us what angle we should use for different types of cameras. For example, with our phones, we could take flat-lays which were taken from above or we could take photos of something tall in a vertical picture facing the object we're taking a photo of straig...

I read about Richard |||- Lifestyle Monday

Hello everybody and welcome back to another blog post, After reading this extract of Richard III 1483-1485, I found out some very interesting facts that I'd thought I'd share with you all today. Enjoy! Richard was born in 1452, the youngest of the ten children of the Duke of York. Richard's older brother Edward, gained victories a few years after the Wars of the Roses broke out, with the help of Warwick the Kingmaker, and installed himself as Edward IV. Only 8 years old, Richard installed himself as henchman (apprentice knight) in the household of Warwick the Kingmaker. At the age of 17, Richard commanded the troops who regained Carmarthen and Cardigan from rebels. 2 years later, when Warwick the Kingmaker rebelled against Edward IV, Richard remained loyal to the king. Edward and Richard both won decisive victories in which Richard played a major part. In 1483, during the king's last illness, Edward was to become heir to the thrown and Richard as Protector. ...

How to stand out at an audition- Dance Saturday

Hello everybody and welcome back to another blog post, I've personally never been to an audition but after doing 7/8 years of dance, I know what is needed to stand out and succeed at one. One of the very first things I would recommend doing is to wear something bold. It doesn't have to be something too quirky but if you're doing an audition in hip-hop for example, you may want to wear a bright coloured top or a cool hat. So long as it doesn't affect your dancing! I would also 100% recommend standing at the front. The people who are judging you aren't going to go through all the effort to try and spot your talent at the back. Stand at the front and be confident. Before the audition, make sure you practice in class and in your own time so that you know exactly what you're doing in time for the audition. If you're nervous before you start, I would also recommend running on the spot. This would burn off any extra adrenaline and get you warm for your audition r...

My short story- You guys choose the title-Writing Wednesday

I can't say I particularly like babysitting. For a long time, I grew an extreme fear of children. Their spotty noses and constant need for attention makes them seem like little dependent critters,its almost horrifying! So much so, when I see a child, I scarce realise how I could have been so small. But, if I don't babysit, there's no money which as I'm sure we all know, is exactly what a teenager wants and needs in their life. So I babysit. I watch Ben and Holly's Little Kingdom on repeat or even Pepper Pig. I make the food, clean the bits of spit off the table, take a whole entire our to put two crying twins to bed and by the end of it, I get 20 pounds! Amazing. Not. And by the sounds of it, on this particular night, babysitting was about to get a whole lot worse.  I turned up to Mrs Humphires front porch at 6pm and the usual crying children could be heard from outside. I hear it so often that I have absolutely no clue why I haven't gone deaf already. I wal...

A letter to my future self- #200th blog post special- Lifestyle Monday

Dear future self, I hope you're looking back on life thinking, wow, she did amazing. I hope you're looking back thinking, she accomplished so much. I hope you're looking back thinking I'm so proud of what she has become. I wish and I wish that you're happy and more than satisfied with how far you've come. Though, I'd be lying if I said that I thought you didn't regret anything. So, take the time out and remember that your feet are still on the ground but you're forever reaching up at the stars and wishing to be a better version of you. I hope you remember that no matter how successful you are, you still remember where you came from and how hard you've worked to get to where you are. I hope I didn't fail too many tests or all my GCSEs! Haha. But no matter what happens, I dam right hope that I didn't give up. I dam right hope that I achieved my dream of becoming a dancer, blogger and someone who cares about the world. Otherwise, I ought t...

What i'm planning to do for dance during work experience- Dance Saturday

Hello everybody and welcome back to another blog post, Hope you're all having a great start to February. Quite recently, I went to a meeting at my school for work experience. In found it super helpful and I now know what I hope to do and how I'm hoping to do it. My choices are all to do with dance because that's what I want to try and pursue in the future. My first choice is to try and contact my current dance studio to see if I can teach a few lessons or even help out with teaching a few lessons. If I can't contact my current studio, I'm going to try and contact my old studio instead since I know they allow quite a few teenagers teach during lessons. My third choice is actually what my mum suggested which is to contact her friend Freddie because apparently, he works in the ticket office for the West End shows so he might have a few connections with people. Are you doing work experience? What I you hoping to get into? Let me know in the comments below and I'...


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