Homeschooling, walks, and baking cookies! - 1 Year To Get To College (Post 18) - Lifestyle Monday

Hello everybody and welcome back to another blog post, Around Wednesday last week, my teachers sent me some work online to do at home. They needed a bit of time to get everything prepared so that was why it came midweek but nevertheless, I got down to doing some English first thing in the morning. Although the work is going to be useful for the next stage of our education (sixth form and apprenticeships), since we require our knowledge from GCSE in order to move through school, it did take a while for me to get in the mode of independently working from home. As much as I know how important it is to do this work, there's still part of me that does feel like its all a bit pointless to be honest, even though it isn't. I guess it's because we've been conditioned to work for mainly the exams. However, as my history teacher said, it's good to work for the sake of learning sometimes because as much as it's drilled into our heads otherwise, the exams are not the be ...