Fighting for what you want in life - Lifestyle Monday

Hello everybody and welcome back to another blog post, 

There are two very good speeches that are delivered by Sylvester Stallone in his Rocky Balboa movie. The first speech is the one that Rocky delivers to his son where he talks about never giving up despite how difficult life can get. The second speech is the one that Rocky delivers to the medical advisory board where he demands a licence to compete in boxing again. Today, I wanted to talk about the second speech because it shows the type of attitude that in my opinion, you should always have towards life. In the Rocky Balboa movie that was aired in 2006, Rocky is a middle-aged, ex-heavy weight boxing champion who despite his age, goes out and proves to the rest of the world that he is still a champion. In his second speech, the medical advisory board denies Rocky's request for a licence because they think he is too old to compete, and therefore should retire. However, despite the decision that the board makes, Rocky respectfully fights for his dream. One of my favourite quotes from the speech has got to be "It's your right to listen to your gut, it ain't nobody's right to say no after you've earned the right to be where you want to be and do what you want to do." To me, that one sentence promotes the attitude that you should always take towards your dream. Rocky shows us that if you really want something in life, you should always fight for it, no matter how ridiculous it may seem to other people. He also shows that just because other people believe it can't be done, it doesn't mean that you should lose self-belief and give up. I know that the film is only fictional but the message that was communicated from the speech really spoke to me, especially recently. I promise that the talk of exams will go after this week, but tomorrow I have a history exam that I'm particularly worried about. I'm worried about it because there's so much to remember in history and ultimately, I want to do well. I'm also worried about it because I like history and it's a pretty high stakes test for me that I want to succeed in. However, I'm determined to go into the exam room with the "can do" attitude. I know for a fact that the exam is going to be difficult but I'm going to push through it because I know I've got the potential to do so. Half the battle of the exams is the mindset and I know that a little bit of self belief can go a long way so I'm going to try my very best to walk in with a bit of confidence that I can at least get through this challenge.


What's your favourite movie speech? Let me know in the comments below and I'll be sure to reply to them. I ♡ hearing from you!

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See you next time,


XOX, Juliette

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