An overview of year 12 - Writing Wednesday

Hello everybody and welcome back to another blog post, 

It's strange to say this but in a few day's time, I would have finished year 12 - my first year of sixth form! Looking back on everything that has happened this year, all I can say is that so much about me has changed and all for the better as well. When I look back at the person I used to be in September compared to the person I am today, other people may not see this, but I can certainly tell that there's a big difference in who I am now. If you've been following my whole sixth form journey so far, you will have known that I came into September 2020 as a very nervous and shy individual who had virtually no idea of what the IB course was going to be like, what new friends I would make, and how I would get on with everything. I struggled to approach the people who I would call my friends today. But I could tell from the beginning that my school had a very warm environment and I did feel accepted. Almost instantly, on my very first day of sixth form, I met all these international students from across all different parts of Europe and it was a really amazing experience. Everyone at the school was so welcoming, genuine, and kind from the very beginning. I was perhaps a little bit overwhelmed with all the work load and to be completely honest, in the beginning, I wasn't sure if I would be able to continue doing the IB because it was such a challenge and such a shock to the system. But somehow, I stuck with it and found my rhythm and made friends with many of the people in my year. Now I find that I'm a much more independent, confident, and open-minded person than I was in the beginning and I've really gelled with my course. I love dance, history, and Japanese too, despite finding it difficult to learn from time to time. I love cycling on my own into school every morning and going home for lunch after a long day. I've taken up the World Challenge, fundraising for my school trip to Tanzania in the summer of 2022, and despite the lockdowns, that's still going strong. I have shown that I am much stronger and resilient than I make myself out to be. Going through 4 months of online learning and losing some of my close family friends at the beginning of the year was certainly tough, but I survived, against all the odds. I worked hard, got through my first mock exams, and now I'm here. It's been an arduous year and I'm nervous about facing up to the many challenges in year 13 but, I lived, I survived, and I'm still here. Year 12 was a good year. 😀

Despite all the difficulties, what are some of the things that you've managed to achieve in this academic year? Let me know in the comments below and I'll be sure to reply to them. I ♡ hearing from you!

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See you next time, 


XOX, Juliette

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