
Showing posts from March, 2018

Birthdays, poop emoji icing πŸ’©πŸ° and more Merlin - Juliette's 3 day journeys

Thursday 22nd March I can't believe that my big sister is 16 already. As you've probably already guessed, today was my sister's birthday and yes she is 16 now. On the morning of her birthday, I wrote her card. Yes, I know, a bit late. But as far as I know, she doesn't know that! Unless she reads this but let's not talk about that. So I woke up and had to sneakily go downstairs to place my card on the pile of presents without her noticing because Alice decided to annoyingly wake up! When she finally came downstairs, we started opening the presents. I can't believe that my parents got her a lot of animal themed things. If you don't know me, then you won't know that I love animals so yeah, that was disappointing.  (jokes)   After that,  I had a very healthy breakfast of chocolate. πŸ˜‚ It was actually really nice! ❀️ Then I prepared to go to school. I had an English test today and let me tell you, it was awful. Firstly, silly me, I brought my old English boo...

10 places that I would love to travel to- Juju's main posts

Hello everybody and welcome to another blog post, It's a main blog post today so I will be kick starting it with 10 places that I would love to travel to. Enjoy!β˜ΊπŸ˜€ New York at Christmas because it has amazing Christmas trees! Japan because I'm part Japanese and I've never been to Japan so yeah! Thailand because the food is just so great! Berlin. I will be going there with school and I'm super excited! Canada because it's so beautiful. Australia because I want to see kangaroos. Singapore because again, I love the food. Spain because it's near and I've never been. Iceland because I want to see the arora borealis. Africa because I would like to see a wild elephant. Where would you like to go to? Let me know in the comments below. See you next time, Bye Links to sites I'm on: InstagramπŸ“·- My book review blogπŸ““-

Teacher awards, Elite dance class, Chocolate master class photography - Juliette's 3 day journeys

Hello everybody and welcome back to another blog post,  Monday 19th March I don't know why but, I couldn't be bothered to get up. I just wanted the week end to continue but being a 13 year old, I needed to go to school. So I woke up at around ten to seven (I know, EARLY!) and watched some YouTube. I love watching Sophdoesnails and Anastasia's vlogs at the moment. If you have not heard of them, you must check them out because their videos are really good. At around seven am, I went downstairs and had my breakfast. It was porridge with frozen berries which was nice. I had that with a cup of tea because ya know, ya girl was tired!  Then I did the usual things to get ready for school like ironing my top,making my lunch and packing my bag. At 8:20, I was out the door.πŸ‘‰  I'm very surprised! Anyone who knows me will know that I am not the best at maths. It took me 5 years to get out of bottom set maths! However, on Monday, I got this thing called a teachers award for my ma...

10 things I love

Hi guys, welcome back to my blog, Today, I am going to show off some of my editing skills. If you've seen my last blog, then you wont know that I have really been enjoying filming. I practiced with my mum and it was really fun. Enjoy! I love filming. I love fashion  I love reading I love facemasks. I love dancing. I love teddies. I love cooking I love bath bombs I love watching YouTube I love photography Hope you enjoyed, Let me know in the comments below what you thought of my video, See you next time, Bye XOX, Juju Links to sites I'm on: InstagramπŸ“·- Book review blogπŸ““-

Swiss rolls,tree cutting and raclette- Juliette's 3 day journeys

Hello everyone and welcome back to my blog, Friday 16th March 2018 I must say, I was very happy. On Friday 16th of March 2018, I was convinced that I would have a Swiss roll disaster. My cooking teacher expected us to make a Swiss roll in under an hour. I highly doubted that I would not get it done on time but wow, I was pleasantly surprised. In fact, I got an A for it. Look at my master piece. My friend was disappointed since hers turned out like an ice-cream cone.  Hers did look nice and it was a challenge to do in under an hour.I published the photo of mine on instagram. Here's what we commented.  -Yours looks so much better than mine. Mine's like an ice-cream cone. -(me) ice-cream cones are nice tho! -tru. See, I'm not one to put people down! In the evening, we had dinner. My memory is so bad that I forgot what we had but just imagine a nice plate of food! The swiss roll was nearly gone.After dinner, I know we watched Merlin because it has kind o...

The art of speaking clearly

Hello Jujubears and welcome to another blog post, Today, I will be talking about speaking clearly. More often than not in a lesson do I see people not answering a question clearly. I.e, I know they've got a great answer in their head but they're just not projecting their answer in the right way. One great way to stop this is to not hesitate when you speak. A lot of people think of an answer in their head and than hesitate because they think it's wrong. Actually the better thing to do is to continue with that answer even if it's wrong because otherwise, either way, your not going to project your opinion clearly. I also see a lot of people doing too many 'ums' in their answers. That really puts the listener off because your not projecting what you want to say. The listener also has to be interested. If you use too many 'ums' in your answer then the listener will probably be bored and not have an interest in what you want to say. Speaking clearly is a ver...

Why did the Holocaust end?

Hello everybody and welcome back to another blog post, Today I will be talking about reasons why the Holocaust ended. I am sorry that I did not upload this last week, I was just really busy. I hope you enjoy today's end to the Holocaust series. Enjoy!  It seems to me that many people across the world did not know how Jews and other people with religions were treated. In 1942, newspapers had written about the Holocaust but they were short and not widely read. Due to this, less than half Americans believed that this was true.  In 1945, Anglo-American and Soviet troops, entered the concentration camps to find piles of corpses and bones. They also found survivors suffering from disease. This shocked them because so many of these stories about concentration camps were deemed to be untrue until then. They liberated the camps and Jews were free. It did take them a while to rebuild their lives. There were many organizations on hand to help them get their lives back on track. W...

International women's day

Hello everyone and welcome to another blog post, Yesterday, It was International Women's Day. You would probably expect a long lecture on the empowerment of women and how when we come together, we're this unifies unstoppable group. But guess what, I'm not going to do that. It's become the trend to place girl power on T-Shirts, It's been the trend to say that when women come together they're this unstoppable group and it has also become the trend to be a feminist. However, I highly doubt that women do these things with meaning. Women in the west have certainly had in just ways placed upon them. I don't agree with men should be paid more than women in certain jobs. That has no reasoning behind it. But in comparison to some places in the world, we get off lightly.  Us western women have probably never had to endure a day in a factory being almost beaten up just so we can have food on the table. Us western women have probably never had to walk miles in search ...

Quote of the day

Do you like this quote? Let me know in the comments below. See you next time, Bye Links to sites I'm on: InstagramπŸ“·- Book review blogπŸ““-

The things good friends do for you

Hello everybody and welcome back to my blog, Today, as you can tell from the title, I am going to be talking about the good things that friends do for you. As you may or may not know, I've been having up and down problems in terms of friends. However, it has stopped and there are no more arguments. One day, I was sat in a history lesson and my friend said 'I've got a present for you.' She then pulled out a hand-stitched pencil case. It's important to note that this pencil case was supposed to be given to me at a party a few months back but I sadly could not come. However, the fact that my friend, out of the kindness of her heart, decided to continue making it for me was a great blessing. I am extremely grateful to this day. Thank you Emma! What good things has a friend done for you? Let me know in the comments below. See you next time, Bye XOX, Juliette πŸ’‹ Links to other sites I'm on: My instagramπŸ“· - My b...


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