
Showing posts from October, 2018

🎃My favourite Halloween memory🎃- Writing Wednesday

Hello everybody and welcome back to another blog post, Me and my sister always carved our pumpkins together. We would make fancy designs and even have mini "competitions" as to who could make the better pumpkin face. It was good fun. We would first start by carving out the insides. Saving the flesh for soup and the seeds as snacks. We would then cut out the top as the lid and we would start to carve away at the face. This one time, I made a really cute face on my pumpkin. It did not look scary at all! I must have become attached to it because I would simply not let it go. Lol. Days and days passed and the thing was basically rotting away. But it felt mean to throw it away. Eventually 2 weeks passed and we threw it away because it was basically a rotting mass! What is your favourite memory of Halloween? Let me know in the comments below and I will be sure to reply to them. I ♡ reading what you have to say. See you next time, Bye, XOX, Juliette Copy your Halloween wa...

Publishing my best history essay from year 9- Lifestyle Monday

Hello everybody and welcome back to another blog post, I wanted to publish my best history essay from year 9 because I thought it would help you guys who are maybe in year 9, write your history essay. This essay is on Anne Frank since we could choose what to do our essay on. I did not agree with the things I said in the essay but I thought it was quite an interesting point to put across since everyone seems to write the same thing about Anne Frank. Hope you enjoy! What's your view on Anne Frank's story? Let me know in the comments below and I will be sure to reply to them. See you next time, Bye, XOX, Juliette My social media handles: My Instagram My YouTube Channel My second blog: The Book Hub   

Quick stretch with me + a few health benefits by doing dance-Dance Saturday

Hello everybody and welcome back to another blog post, Today I am going to be showing you a stretching routine that you can do in your room quickly after homework. This routine should take approximately 10  minutes and if you do it regularly, you should be keeping up your flexibility. As well as showing you guys some stretches, I am also going to be sharing with you some health benefits by doing dance. Hope you enjoy! For this stretching session, I used the Capezio slip on jazz shoes but you can do it with socks on or barefoot. Dance can improve your mental health by putting a boost on your overall happiness. It also allows you to express yourself and release your emotions. Dance helps to improve your co-ordination, core strength, and flexibility. Things like co-ordination skills are needed when you are doing jazz turns or pirouettes. Dance can improve your cardiovascular health as well as improving your overall stamina. At school in dance, we...

The cotton industry and its effects on our planet- Writing Wednesday

Hello everybody and welcome back to another blog post, Recently, I watched a documentary called Fashion's Dirty Secrets with Stacey Dooley and I was shocked by what I had seen. We constantly talk about the effects of plastic on our environment but little do we know that cotton has a large impact on our planet too. If we are globally producing 100 billion new garments from new fibres every year, our planet will simply not be able to handle the impact-as Stacey Dooley quoted. So what is the damage? Here are a few examples. BBC Three Back in the 60s, the Aral Sea in Kazakhstan, covered 68,000 sq km. It was known as one of the biggest inland seas in the world with a full ecosystem and attracting loads of tourists. However, it has shrunk dramatically due to the cotton production. Stacey drove for 3 hours on what once was the seabed. This catastrophe is all down to the fact that we can use up to 15,000 litres of water to grow cotton to make one pair of jeans. Another big issue lies ...

How to confidently talk to people and make new relations-Writing Wednesday

Hello everybody and welcome back to another blog post, We all had that time when we've tried to look preoccupied just so that we could skip talking to people. We frantically search for our earphones to pretend that we are listening to music even though our phone screen is off. Or, we frantically look for a book or the magazine that we bought down the shop, pick a random page and read it. I'm guilty of this and I know that many other people are too. But becoming a social butterfly does not have to be a scary thing. One of the benefits to talking to people is that it prepares you for what's to come in the future. You may need to network with people who share the same career path as you. More simply you may need to start getting to now your new community once you move out of the family home. There are lots of places where socializing is needed. So we've got to break down that barrier and become more interactive with people. And here's how: Find common ground ...

All about the Supervet- Animal post- Lifestyle Monday

Hello everybody and welcome back to another blog post, The Supervet is an excellent program on what goes on behind the closed doors of Fitzpatrick referrals. Dr Noel Fitzpatrick is one of England's leading veterinary surgeons who founded the clinic. Fitzpatrick employs over 100 people who work at his neurosurgery and orthopaedic surgery. Him and his team work tirelessly treating hard-to-cure ailments using new innovative ways. This is all in a bid to bring home a friend to their owners. Some of the episodes include: Mason, Bongo, and Lucky A shih tzu comes in with severe arthritis and can barely walk; a Labrador has been affected by osteoarthritis in all four legs. Betty Hoop, Maya, and Kanzi A two-year-old mastiff is diagnosed with a bone tumour in her leg; a tiny pug has lost control of her hind legs; a Rhodesian Ridgeback is suffering from lameness. Buzz, Charlie, and Pebbles A border collie arrives with a suspicious lump on his ankle. I really appreciate t...

My first diary entry I did for year 10 - Dance Saturday

Hello everybody and welcome back to another blog post, Today I'm publishing one of my best diary entries from dance. BTEC dance requires you to write a diary entry for each lesson as part of your course work and often it can be quite intimidating and stressful to come up with something on the spot. I decided to publish this entry to help you guys who are possibly doing BTEC dance as well. Take inspiration from this and I hope you enejoy!  20/9/18 Dance diary entry We began our warm-up by running around the room to increase our heart rate. We made sure that we were using every inch of the studio whilst still being mindful not to bump into other people. Towards the end we were told to run faster then, afterwards we slowed down to a walking pace. We walked around the room in a circle ensuring that we were in time with the music. Then we found a space and began doing 4 skips and 4 jumps then 2 skips and 2 jumps. We repeated these sequences twice through. With our skips, we b...

My opinion on Doctor Who being a woman- News segment- Writing Wednesday

Hello everybody and welcome back to another blog post, Growing up, I have always been watching Doctor Who. I would watch it after Strictly just to stay up a little later (lol). I would watch the Christmas specials etc. I think it's fair to say that I'm a bit of a fan. But what has upset me the most recently was the fact that they changed the Doctor to being a woman. For years on end, families and children have been watching a male actor as the Doctor and no one cared about it then. Subsequently, I am a little bit confused as to why people care so much now. Technically, the Doctor can change into anything he wants to be wether that is a woman or an animal. But the reason as to why he was neither of those things for so long was because it fit into the story better to be a male.  The production team of Doctor Who isn't trying to offend people they are just trying to do their job which is to make an entertaining program. I was so disappointed with the new episode that aired b...

A lazy day in-My trip to Eastbourne!

Hello everybody and welcome back to another blog post, Hello Eastbourne! Yet another place I have not been to. My mum was asked to make a croquembouche for a wedding here in Eastbourne so here we are! However, while she was doing work in our apartment kitchen, I was lounging around for the whole day and boy did I love it! Since my school had their opening evening for the future year sevens on Thursday, we had a free Friday. That gave me just enough time to complete my homework, get packed and get travelling! We spent most of the Friday travelling since we had to travel quite far south so it was a journey. But, we arrived just in time for an evening stroll on the promenade by the sea. My phone needed charging so I couldn't bring it with me to take photos but the views were just spectacular. You could tell that we were close to Brighton because the pier was so grand. It had this gold dome on the top of the building that lay on the pier and it was just glistening in the evening su...

Achieving loads!-Mid-week catch up- Lifestyle Monday

Hello everybody and welcome back to another blog post, I feel like I have achieved so many things this week. The first is being the first person to hand in my Language Leaders application form. If you don't know, Language Leaders is a new thing that my school is doing where we get taught how to prepare a language lesson, we prepare a lesson, and we teach it to primary school children. At the end of the year, if you're lucky, you win an award! Me being half French, I thought that this was the perfect opportunity to show off some of my skills so I went for it! I wrote down a lot so it was understandable that when I handed my application in explaining why I wanted to join that the teacher was a bit shocked by how much I had written. But she said "I'll look forward to reading it" joyfully. Secondly, I managed to get myself an achievement point in RE for answering a load of questions. Hence the name, an achievement point is something that my school gives to people ...

African Elephants-Lifestyle Monday

Hello everybody and welcome back to another blog post, It's an animal post this week and today, we are going to be talking about everything African Elephant related! Hope you enjoy :) African elephants are elephants of the genus Loxodonta which consists of two types of elephants. The first being the most common African bush elephant and second being the smaller African forest elephant.    The bush elephant is the largest living terrestrial elephant whilst the forest elephant is only the third-largest. These elephants have thick bodies that rest upon broad and sturdy legs. Their large ears are used to enable heat loss. The large ears act as cooling aids as they radiate heat from blood vessels and flap their ears to generate cooling air currents. Their upper lip and nose connect to form their trunk. This trunk acts as a fifth-limb,a sound amplifier,and an important method of contact. On average, the African elephant can weigh up to 6000kg or 6.6tons. Another ext...


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