
Showing posts from May, 2020

All about: Diversity - Dance Saturday

Hello everybody and welcome back to another blog post,  In today's all about:_____ post, I'll be talking about the incredibly well-known British street dance group, Diversity! I have talked about this group a little bit before but here I'll be talking about their full story and how they changed dance so if that is something you want to see, then please keep on reading. Originally known as Swift Moves, Diversity is a dance group that was formed in 2007 and it includes four sets of siblings and eight other members from London and Essex. They rose to fame through their Britain's Got Talent audition in 2009, where they impressed the judges with an original and slightly comedic, street dance number. Although the number was really impressive and included dare-devil tricks and excellent choreography for the time, all the members had very little formal dance training and just enjoyed practicing dance in their spare time. The group's founder, Ashley Banjo, was even in the mi...

Climbing Blind: A story of trust and confidence - Writing Wednesday

Hello everybody and welcome back to another blog post,  Well, we've finished all 5 series of Line of Duty. It was a great series that I would recommend anyone to watch. The script writer who came up with that plot has got a heck of an imagination. Who would have thought a series about corrupt police officers would be amazing? I hope series 6 comes out soon, despite the current climate. If you want to find out more about this series then you can read my blog post about it here . It also talks about Wallander, which is a "Nordic Noir" series that we've also finished recently. It's really good and I would also recommend watching it. However, now that we'd finished our favourite series, me and my family were stuck on what to watch so we decided to flick through a few documentaries to see what we liked. I saw this documentary with an interesting title and we all decided to watch it. The documentary was called Climbing Blind and it was about exactly what it said in ...

Going for a bike ride - Lifestyle Monday

Hello everybody and welcome back to another blog post,  As I'm sure many of you already know, me and my family have been going on many walks around the back of our house, our village, and quite recently because of the slight alleviation of lockdown, to another area in Cambridge as well. I've really liked going on walks as I've found that it was a great way to take in some fresh air and go somewhere that was not just my house. If I've been doing quite a lot of homeschooling during the day and I hadn't really had the time to do something more fun, I've always enjoyed going on walks and just sharing my thoughts with nature. Despite it being simple, it has been a big stress reliever. I've been walking a lot ever since I first heard the news about the lockdown and I've found that it makes me feel like I have some sort of freedom. However, at the beginning of last week, I found another hobby that I've been really enjoying as well. Yes, I actually pulled ou...

All about: Jordan Matter - Dance Saturday

Hello everybody and welcome back to another blog post,  I wouldn't really say that I'm much of a photography person. Me and my sister did a great photography workshop with Stella last year and although it was really fun and I learnt a lot from it, it was only then that I realised just how much it takes to capture an amazing image. The lighting, angles, and most importantly, the story, have to shine through in order to create the best photograph. I would say that I'm much better at taking photos and I will say that when I do get it right, it looks amazing and really professional, but I will also say that I'm no artist.  It's really because of this intricacy in photography, that I therefore find Jordan Matter's work, so amazing.  If you haven't heard of Jordan Matter before, he is a well-known dance photographer, who has developed his name through his YouTube channel, which now has over 4 million subscribers. His most popular videos are his 10 Minute P...

Who is Jackie Chan? - Writing Wednesday

Hello everybody and welcome back to another blog post,  I hope that you're all still doing well during these strange times!💜 Recently, I watched a film called the Foreigner with my family and it starred Jackie Chan and Pierce Brosnan in it. It's a film about a businessman called Quan, who ends up seeking revenge when his daughter (his only surviving family member) dies due to a politically-motivated terrorist attack. His search for her killers lead him to Northern Ireland, where a British government official seems to be hiding all the answers. From there, Quan gets involved in a desperate cat-and-mouse chase, in order to seek justice for his daughter, when no one else seems to be getting involved. Long story short, it's a real cracker and I would definitely recommend that you watch it because it's heart-felt as well as full of action. If you want to see Pierce Brosnan pulling off an Irish accent as well as a pretty cool character, I would recommend watching it ...

Going out for the first time in 2 months - Lifestyle Monday

Hello everybody and welcome back to another blog post, A week ago on Sunday, it was announced that the lockdown in the UK would at least be somewhat lifted. I was quite happy about that because although I seemed to be surviving well just walking by the field that's behind our house, the effects of cabin fever seemed to be catching up on me as well. On Tuesday, me, my sister, and my mum actually took a proper walk around our village. Although I've been doing some walks in the fields, I haven't actually taken a casual stroll on the streets of my village in the 2 months of lockdown because my parents advised that it was best to stay clear of as many people as possible. So when I actually took the time to walk around my village, even that seemed to bring back some sense of freedom. It was still weird for me to walk past my school knowing that had all this not happened, I would probably be in the peak of exam season. For some odd reason, I'm still taking in how much has chan...

All about: 1 Million Dance Studio - Dance Saturday

Hello everybody and welcome back to another blog post, I hope you're all still doing well during quarantine! It's the second post of my "All about____" series, where I talk about the dancers, choreographers, and people who have changed the way we look at dance. Last week, I talked about the Burn the Floor Dance Company so if you haven't read that already, I suggest you do because it's really interesting. You can find the link to it here . However, today I'm going to be talking about the amazing South Korean dance studio, 1 Million Dance Studio! 1 Million Dance Studio is an innovative dance center that was co-founded by Lia Kim and Timon Youn, on the 1st of December, 2014. Lia Kim is well known for her insane tutting skills and for her appearances at Urban Dance Camp and Kurt Hugo Schneider's music video to Closer, by the Chainsmokers. Whilst Timon Youn is not a dancer himself, he is very much responsible for the videography for 1 Million Dance Studio...

The difference between the conscious and the subconscious - Writing Wednesday

Hello everybody and welcome back to another blog post, Recently, my mum told me to take a look a Mel Robbins's work because she talks a lot about human psychology. If you don't know her story, Mel Robbins was a well-known TV show host on American channels like CNN and has now become a motivational influencer on the internet. She faced a lot of financial difficulty trying to pursue her career in the TV and entertainment industry and this caused her marriage to become unstable and eventually she became severely depressed. This was to the point when she even struggled to get out of bed in the morning. After releasing her book, the 5 Second Rule which motivated her to get up out of bed every morning, Mel Robbins now inspires other people with mental health issues. Whilst finding out more about Mel Robbins, I came across a video that she made about the conscious and subsconscious part of the brain during therapy. I found this video really interesting because for me, it expla...

A day in the life of a teenager in quarantine - Lifestyle Monday

Hello everybody and welcome back to another blog post,  Overall, I thought that Saturday was a great day. I really enjoyed having a long weekend because I could have a little more time to myself, without having to think about homeschooling. I would like to say a huge thank you to everyone who also liked my VE Day post on my Instagram. I wrote that post very quickly but I thought that I couldn't not write anything for the 75th anniversary, which was such a significant occasion. If you would like to see that post, then you can find it on my Instagram, which is linked below. However, if you want to know how my Saturday went then please keep on reading! I woke up at around 7:15am and although I was still a little tired, I couldn't get back to sleep so I decided to watch some YouTube in bed for a bit. I'm really enjoying watching Joe and Dianne's Sims series on Joe Sugg's  gaming channel. I don't know why but I'm getting hooked on watching people play the...

All about: Burn the Floor Dance Company - Dance Saturday

Hello everybody and welcome back to another blog post,  I wanted to create a dance series that encompasses things in the dance industry that people wouldn't really talk about or see. The series is called "All about:_____," and I'm going to be explaining the new things that choreographers, dancers, and people have come up with that change the way we look at dance and in today's post, I'll be talking about Burn the Floor. Burn the Floor is a ballroom and Latin dance company, produced by Harley Medcalf, that has performed many famous live shows across the world. Some of these places include the West End in London and Broadway in New York City. This incredibly successful theatre group has performed in over 130 different countries and has never failed to deliver on their jaw-dropping, electrifying, and original choreography that intrigues their audiences. Many of the company's cast alumni are recognisable ballroom and Latin world champions that have performed...

Attempting to answer the most challenging question: What is the meaning of life? - Writing Wednesday

Hello everybody and welcome back to another blog post,  Yes, it has come down to this. I'm now going to try and attempt to answer one of the most challenging questions that has puzzled the minds of many. What is the meaning of life? Really, I'm just doing this for fun because I thought it would be interesting but I do hope you enjoy it too.  There's never really one answer to this as there are really two parallels to the question. You could either go extremely philosophical or extremely scientific. Either way, everyone's answer is different. I would say that my answer kind of includes both ideas. If we look at the way we view life, many seem to care about it a lot and truly think it's significant. In some ways, life is significant because Earth seems to be the only place that life not only exists but thrives. However, as much as it's ingrained into us that humans and other animals are really important, I guess there's also an argument that that it is jus...


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