
Showing posts from January, 2019

The worst presentation I've had to give!- Writing Wednesday

Hello everybody and welcome back to another blog post, Recently, in my business lesson, I was preparing a PowerPoint presentation on sex orientation discrimination. I can kind of understand why this has anything to do with business but I also kind of don't. If I'm completely honest, I've kind of been disappointed with the way this GCSE has been going so far so when I found out that I was going to do a presentation on this subject, things didn't get much better. What made things worse was that I had to work in a group with a bunch of people I didn't like. Not mentioning any names but we definitely did not work well at all with each other. Especially as one was pining for my help on the other side of the room throughout the whole entire lesson. Still, perhaps I have to get used to it since I'm probably going to have to deal with a lot of people I don't like in the future. In fact, I know I will. Still, it wasn't that bad, it turns out I wrote quite a goo...

The woman who jumped the Berlin wall from the east side (History club)- Lifestyle Monday

Hello everybody and welcome back to another blog post, On Friday, I went to this history club at school where you pick up an extract of any historical book on the topic you're learning about and find out more about the people who lived at the time. In history, we're currently learning about the Berlin wall and Germany's split after the defeat of Hitler and the Nazis in the Second World War. Consequently, the extract I picked up at lunch was about a 16 year old girl, who tried to scale the Berlin wall from the East side and I thought it would be a good idea to talk about it here on my blog today. This will hopefully happen on my blog every Monday but with a different extract. Enjoy! Miriam Weber in Stasiland, by Anna Funder Chapter 3 and beginning of 4 The story is told by her friend who heard about her story Blurb: Miriam was born in Leipzig in the DDR in 1952. In 1968, when she was 16, she and a friend wrote and distributed leaflets complaining about the w...

Dance diary entry #4- Dance Saturday

Dance diary   21/1/19   Key themes: Jazz stretches and battements   We started off the warm up with a small jog around the room to increase our heart rate and get us warm for the exercises ahead. After, we did our  sequence  of  4 skips and jumps which I went into more detail in my previous entries. Then we went on the floor  and got into frog position. After, we got into pike position and  leaned over. I really like this stretch because  it  really helps me stretch out my hamstrings. Then we went to second  position  (splits) and leaned over each side. We had to make sure that when we leaned over, we weren’t leaving any gaps on our opposite leg. This is because we wanted to really increase the stretch. I found this quite easy. Then we did battements lying on our back and on our fronts, which I went into more detail on my  battements  entry. However, I did find that when I was doing the  battements,...

The amazing narration of the Nile in the Earth's Greatest Rivers documentary- Writing Wednesday

Hello everybody and welcome back to another blog post, Recently, I watched this amazing documentary called the Earth's Greatest Rivers which was narrated by David Oyelowo. It was a series and there was one episode on the Mississippi and the Amazon but today, I watched the one on the Nile. I am all for documentaries that teach us about what we are doing to our planet and the damage we're making, such as deforestation and global warming. However, every once in a while, it's nice to just watch documentaries that are all about the beauty of nature and how the human race is enhanced by it. I have never heard of the narrator David Oyelowo before but he seriously made the documentary seem like your reading a picture book. His voice entirely complements the amazing shots taken.  I honestly learnt so much about the Nile. I found out that there are giant masses of papyrus leaves that float away on the water likes giant land masses, which is a bit annoying for the animals that bui...

How to make pasta- Lifestyle Monday

Hello everybody and welcome back to another blog post, A few days ago, my parents went out in the evening to visit a friend so it became mine and my sister's responsibility to make dinner. We usually make pasta on days like this so that's what we did. We sat down in front of Doctor Who and ate our pasta and it was delicious so I thought i'd share the recipe with you guys. Enjoy! You will need: Half a packet of normal pasta (for 2 people) 1 can of tomatoes 1 onion 1 clove of garlic Salt and pepper Firstly, fill large pan half full of water and bring it to a boil. Next, cut up your onion and garlic and open your can of tomatoes. Then, once the water is brought to a boil, turn the heat down to medium and put in your pasta. Whilst your pasta is cooking, fry off your onion then garlic in a pan and pour in your tinned tomatoes. Then fill the can half full with water and pour it in and add a pinch of salt and pepper along with everything else. Stir it, then...

My plans for dance for the future- Dance Saturday

Hello everybody and welcome back to another blog post, As I'm sure you may know, I've been doing dance for 7 nearly 8 years now. I did do ballet when I was 4 but I only properly started dancing at the age of 7 doing commercial street and since then, I've never looked back. Over the past 7 or 8 years I've done street,tap, a year of jazz at a school I hated (lol), contemporary and ballroom both in and out of school. Its been fun, and I've definitely had some crazy experiences at times but for the most part it's been a beneficial 7/8 years. You may think I've done a lot of different styles but it's all to work up to one point which I hope to reach some time in the future. I would like to see if I can continue dance professionally for a bit but I also have dreams of running my own dance school and teaching my own classes. I guess you could say I also want to become a choreographer. I also want to try and start up  a charity or something like that allows pe...

How to not let a single person hold you back-Writing Wednesday

Hello everybody and welcome back to another blog post, Throughout my life,especially in secondary school, I've worked out one simple piece of human psychology that i'm sure everyone who is currently reading this has already figured out. It is that we are so weak that we let others people's thoughts about us, bring us down. Sometimes it is words but the majority of the time, it's just what people think of you. It seems to seriously affect us, even me sometimes.  On Thursday, I had to leave dance early to go to parents evening and I didn't have a chance to change out of my dance clothes. I started to think about what people would think of me since I was wearing a bright red coloured ballroom dress. It wasn't a paranoid or worried thought but it was enough to make me feel weird about walking past all the people I knew. Now, looking back on it, I think it was such a stupid way of thinking but in the moment I was a bit embarrassed walking around in this brigh...

How to make cheddar sticks- Lifestyle Monday

Hello everybody and welcome back to another blog post, As some of you may know, if you follow me on my Instagram, on New Years Eve I made cheddar sticks when my parents were out in London. My mum had to deliver one of her cakes to a wedding so me and my sister were in charge of dinner that night. My sister made a salmon mousse from my mum's recipe whilst I made the cheddar sticks. Along side this, we had salad and crackers etc but today, I'm going to show you how to make cheddar sticks. By the way, they were a big hit amongst my family so they definitely won't disappoint. You will need: 400g of cheddar 4 slices of soar doe bread (for the breadcrumbs) 2 eggs 4tbs of flour Salt,pepper, and oregano Vegetable oil Firstly I cut up the cheddar. First into long strips and then in half. Then, I put the cut up sticks into a freezer bag to put into the freezer for a few minutes whilst I got everything else ready. Then into trays I put in the flour, breadcrumbs (which I ...

What I got in my dance medal test- Dance Saturday

Hello everybody and welcome back to another blog post, Despite having done the wrong dance on my exam, as many of you I'm sure are aware of, I still managed to get awarded honours without any notes of improvement in waltz and samba. The maximum grade for honours is 85% and I got awarded 92% all round which is way over that percentage. For street, I also did really well, I got honours again and I got 93% for my first dance and 94% for my second dance. These grades are not as high as my previous ones but this time, they brought in an examiner who's quite harsh with her marking so that's why. Anyway, although I had a slight panic that I did the wrong dance, I still got a very good grade. The key lesson to learn from this is to believe that you can do it. That is something I don't do often. Lol. Waltz and samba Street dance What do you like about dance? Let me know in the comments below and I'll be sure to reply to them. I ♡ hearing from you! Se...

Is The Greatest Showman all that it seems to be?-Writing Wednesday

Hello everybody and welcome back to another blog post, On Friday, we started paper 2 on the GCSE English exam board. Paper 2 consists of understanding different writers viewpoints and perspectives and compare and contrast them to each other. One of these controversial topics was about The Greatest Showman. Previously, in RE, I had already learnt about the supposed darker side to P.T. Barnum and Hugh Jackman's film romanticising the true exploiter. However, in English we were given an entire article about this. The Article said that P.T. Barnum "wasn't exactly a crusader for social justice" and he actually took advantage of those deemed to be outcasts of society. For example, he used African American women with birth defects to exhibit  shows just to make money. One of them was Joice Heth, who was blind a partially paralysed, and although she was in her 80s, Barnum claimed she was 161 years old.  His Circassian Beauties,  were also given fake afro hairstyles using be...

My trip to London Borough Market with my mum and my sister-Lifestyle Monday

Hello everybody and welcome back to another blog post, On Wednesday, I went to London Borough Market with my mum and my sister. This was my second time visiting London over the Christmas holidays. The first time, I went to London with my family and God siblings from France and we basically did an entire tour of some key landmarks in London like Westminster, The London Eye,and HMS Belfast. You can see the blog post I did on that day here . However, this time, I went to London to get my passport changed. Since i'm French, I have to physically present myself at the desk of the French embassy whilst my dad gets to just post his passport photos. The workers at the French embassy are also not the nicest but that's just the way it is. The next time I have to change my photo is in 5 years time then after that, for the rest of my life, I only have to change it once every 10 years which isn't too much to ask. To make the day a little less boring though, we decided to go to Borough ...

Getting back into dance - Dance Saturday

Hello everybody and welcome back to another blog post, I've been getting back into stretching ever since the new year. I haven't been stretching over the Christmas holidays of course, since I've been wanting to take a break and I believe that every so often that is important to do. However, as part of my new years resolutions, I told myself that I would try and stretch at least 5 times a week. During stretching this week, I did: lunges, splits,straddle stretches, middle splits, battements,pike position,handstand press ups, seal stretch, back bend, back walkover, and front walkover. This basic sequence of stretches has helped me to retain my flexibility and strength for future dance lessons. How are you keeping up with dance so far? Let me know in the comments below and I will be sure to reply to them. I ♡ hearing from you! See you Monday for another lifestyle post on my trip to London Borough Market, Bye, XOX, Juliette My social media handles: My Instagram My ...


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