
Showing posts from October, 2017

The history behind Halloween 😱

Hi guys, Welcome back to my blog! Today I am going to be talking about the history behind Halloween. Before I get onto this blog post, please make sure you subscribe to get all the latest and share this blog post with your friends. Today's shout out goes to Sananas on YouTube. She's a French beauty YouTuber. Her videos are especially good for people who would like to learn French because it's really easy to understand. Now let's get onto the blog post. Halloween dates back to the ancient Celtic festival called Samhain.  It is thought that some of our modern day costumes came from the Celts. Samhain marked the end of the harvest and the start of winter 'the darker half'. The wall between our world and the other world thinned. It was thought that through this, spirits and beings would be more capable of entering our world. It was thought that these spirits would help the livestock through the winter. Offerings of food and drink were also given to these spirits...

How to do a back bend *requested*

Hi guys, Welcome back to my blog. Today I am going to be showing you how to do a back bend. There was a tie in the poll that I did a couple days ago on my Instagram and you guys requested to do a gymnastics blog post as well as a photography blog post. So I will try and add those two things together. Before I get on to the blog, I am going to be shouting out this Instagram account because I've been really loving their content recently. They're called dancing.drawings and they create amazing pictures of dancers. Here is the link to their account: . Now let's get onto the blog post. Four key phrases to remember when doing a back bend are core strength, control, arm strength, and back flexibility. Without obtaining those, you won't be able to do your back bend. To improve your back flexibility, you could: Do a seal stretch. Do a seal stretch on your knees. And do a pike. For more information and detail, he...

Going to the Newmarket road bus restaurant

Hi guys, Welcome back to my blog. Today I am going to be talking about my adventure to the La Latina bus restaurant. Before we get on this blog post, I would really like to shout out the Last Latina instagram account. They post loads of pictures of their food creations. You can find them here-  .  As always don't forget to subscribe to this blog by going to the top of this page and clicking on the SUBSCRIBE button so that you are notified by e-mail when I upload. Let's get onto the blog post. La Latina restaurant is located in Newmarket road, Cambridge. Me and my sister were really excited to go because our mum said that the Southern-American food was simply to die for. It was a bit of a struggle to find the bus but we managed and it's unique aesthetics stood out from the crowd. Here is what the bus looked like: The inside of the bus was absolutely gorgeous. On the first floor there was the kitchen where they prep...

Making healthy pancakes!

Hi guys, Welcome back to my blog. Today I am going to be showing you the ingredients to make these amazing pancakes. For a full recipe with measurements, head on over to the Tasty YouTube channel for more- . You will need: Oats Bananas Greek yogurt Honey or sugar Eggs Sunflower oil There are some measurements on the Tasty YouTube channel and website but you can honestly just guess or change the measurements to what you want. Will you make these pancakes? Let me know in the comments below. Follow me on my instagram-  lets get to 80 followers. See you next time, Bye

Are humans a disease to the world?

Hi guys, Welcome back to my blog. Today i'm going to be talking about whether or not humans are a disease to the world. Before I get onto the blog post, I am going to be shouting out one of my current favourite YouTubers. She is called Floral princess, or you can follow her on her vlogging channel Floral Princess vlogs. She does a lot of beauty related things but what I really like about her is the fact that she talks about really down to earth stuff about her past. Please go and check her out she's amazing. Please also follow me on this blog to get all the latest.Now lets get onto the blog post. Now, I got this subject from school in my RE class. I thought that it was really interesting because we as humans keep talking about how great we are and not about what we are actually doing to our planet. We are currently over populating the planet and as a result, resources are getting scarcely thin. If we keep on over populating, then there won't be enough resources for ...

Taking things for granted

Hi guys, Welcome back to my blog. Today I am going to be talking about taking things for granted. Before we get on to the blog make sure your following me on this blog to get all the latest. I would really recommend this blogger called Emma and her blog is called  . She does loads of thoughtful DIYs so I would definitely recommend following her. Let's get onto the blog post. I feel like in today's society,  it's very easy for us to take things for granted. What I mean by taking things for granted is that we don't appreciate how much we actually have. It's difficult to get this point across because our parents and our family members say it but it just doesn't seem to stick. So I'm going to use an example from school. What's the cheapest item of clothing you've ever bought? For me, it's a T-shirt from Primark that only cost me two pounds. I would think that if someone had stained that T-shirt than the majorit...

The storms coming!😯

Hi guys, Welcome back to my blog. Today I am going to be talking about the storm which is going to be hitting the UK and I just thought it was an interesting subject to talk about. Before I get into today's blog post, I am just going to be talking about a segment which is going to be added onto the beginning of each blog post. In these segments I am going to be talking about bloggers, Instagramers and Youtubers that I would recommend you seeing. For today, I am going to be talking about this blogger called Natasha Medina. She does beauty blogging but what I really enjoy reading from her is her life tips. They're really interesting and very helpful. Here is a link to her blog please go and follow her:  . It would also be nice if you could follow me on this blog it would mean a lot. Hope you enjoy this blog post. Hurricane Ophelia is hit the UK and Ireland with winds up to 80mph.  It's so strange because across the UK the sky has turned yello...

What's in my school bag for year 9 2017

Hi guys, Welcome back to my blog. Today I am going to be doing a what's in my school bag blog post for year 9. Hopefully this can give you some tips on how to organise your bag for secondary school. You can follow me on this blog to get notified  when I upload. Hope you enjoy this blog post. Here are some images of my school bag: In the first compartment, I've got a stuffed toy keyring  containing my locker key. I don't have anything else in that compartment since it's quite small. I don't keep any thing in the second compartment but if I need to carry anything and I don't have any space I just put it in that compartment. I keep all my books and my planner  in the last compart as well as my umbrella which iced when I didn't have a coat. Did you like this blog post? Leave a comment down below letting me know. Anyone can comment so please do! See you next time, Bye Follow me on my instag...

My spa routine

Hi guys, Welcome back to my blog. Today I am going to be talking you through my spa routine for those days when I just want to relax. Hopefully this could perhaps give you some tips on how to have the perfect spa. So here is my spa routine as well as some tips to have the perfect spa night: So firstly I like to set out all of the things that I'll be using like moisturisers and bath bombs. Today I'll be using the bath bomb by Wilko called Lemon and black pepper explosion it smells amazing and I'm really excited to try it. Then afterwards I'll be using the moisturisers by Mandara spa and there's a hand and body butter. I have used them before and mentioned them on my September favourites so do check that out. Here is what they look like: I also really enjoy reading a book in the bath or watch youtube. My favourite book at the moment is To kill a mocking bird by Harper Lee and my favourite YouTube videos  are by Saffron Barker. They're really great ...

What dance is really like😂

Hi guys, Welcome back to my blog. Today I am going to be talking about what dance is like because I have recently been watching some clips from dance moms and all it was was just pageant and dance is not like that. Now I know I am going a bit deep but I truly believe that dance is about expressing yourself through movement. I am deeply disappointed that it has become a pageant. It has become all about the looks and perfection which dancers strive for a lot which isn't necessarily a bad thing but it's to the point when dance is no longer enjoyable. So you like what dance has become? Let me know in the comments below, See you next time, Bye

Be motivational today

Hi guys, Welcome back to my blog. Today I am going to be talking about yet another deep topic which is motivation. Go check out the one I did on positivity it would really mean a lot. So recently I have been really enjoying watching this youtuber called Nikki Lily. She sadly suffers from an AVM which causes swelling in her face however I have been really moved by how motivated she was to just keep going with her life. Some people who are perfectly healthy can even struggle to wake up in the morning! I believe that the true meaning and definition of being motivated is being able to carry on even when life gets tough. Do you watch Nikki Lily? Let me know in the comments and if you don't then check out her channel she is 13 and does amazing videos, (* disclaimer I know there are plenty of other motivational youtubers out there but this one caught my eye recently) Hope you've enjoyed this blog post, Bye

Life update: being ill😷

Hi guys, Welcome back to my blog. Today I am going to do a life update. Recently I have been ill with a cold. The first cold of Autumn this year. It seemed as though everyone in my school had caught it too. It was tiring and most of all annoying and as soon as I got it, I just wanted it to go away. I took loads of vitamins and medication before school. Me and my friend were both ill which was quite funny because we both looked very tired. Have you caught a cold recently? Let me know in the comments below, Sorry I haven't uploaded yesterday I was just really busy, See you next time, Bye

September favourites

Hi guys, Today I am going to show you my September favourites. I have really enjoyed using the strawberries and cream bath bomb. I don't know the brand because I got it for my birthday and my dad won't tell me because he says it's a secret. Here is what it looks like. My next favourite is a series of body butters by the brand Mandara spa. I like these because they're really convenient and moisturising for the skin. Here is what it looks like. My last favourite is Wilko bath bombs. I just like this because it's simple and moisturising. Here is what it looks like: Hope you've enjoyed this blog post, Leave a comment down below letting me know your September favourites. See you next time, Bye

How to be confident😄

Hi guys, Welcome back to my blog. Today I am going to talk about confidence. If you're like me and you're not the most confident person in the world, you will know that it is difficult. What I do sometimes, if I have to share work in class, I pretend to be a confident person. Instead of using my nerves to be nervous, I use them to be confident. Most people when they're asked to read their work out in class, they think they can't do it. However, if you're pretending to be a confident person, you've got to tell yourself that you can do it. You've also got to think that you're not doing it for anybody else but yourself so it shouldn't matter what other people think. Another good tip that I have is to pretend that when your standing up in class that you've got a cape blowing in the wind. My dad taught me this and it actually worked. So I hope you've enjoyed this post, next post will be on my September favourites so please do check that out wh...


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