The history behind Halloween 😱
Hi guys, Welcome back to my blog! Today I am going to be talking about the history behind Halloween. Before I get onto this blog post, please make sure you subscribe to get all the latest and share this blog post with your friends. Today's shout out goes to Sananas on YouTube. She's a French beauty YouTuber. Her videos are especially good for people who would like to learn French because it's really easy to understand. Now let's get onto the blog post. Halloween dates back to the ancient Celtic festival called Samhain. It is thought that some of our modern day costumes came from the Celts. Samhain marked the end of the harvest and the start of winter 'the darker half'. The wall between our world and the other world thinned. It was thought that through this, spirits and beings would be more capable of entering our world. It was thought that these spirits would help the livestock through the winter. Offerings of food and drink were also given to these spirits...