Day with my friend + scary film aftermath π±π

Hello everybody and welcome to another blog post, Today, I will be talking about a somewhat interesting day in a life of me. If you liked this post, please comment, I love to hear from you and reply to your comments! I usually leave a question at the end of every blog post so you can reply to that if you want! I am also trying to grow my blogging family so please don't forget to follow! Now, let's get on to a day in a life of me!π I woke up at 8am on Friday the 29th of December 2017. I was still extremely tired! But I'm that type of person that when I'm awake, I struggle to get back to sleep. So, as per usual, I just scrolled on my phone till it was 9am and time to get up. There isn't a specified time from which I must get up but my family find it weird, for some strange reason, if I'm awake earlier or later. Once I am down stairs, I say "good morning" and hug my parents before heading to the kitchen. Today, my dad was assembling the island which my...