
Showing posts from September, 2018

Waltz,waltz,waltz!-Dance diary- Dance Saturday

Hello everybody and welcome back to another blog post, 27/9/18   Ballroom We began dance class by doing our box steps up and down the studio. Before, I really struggled to take a large step backwards and forwards but now I think I'm getting better at that and my teacher said I was too! We also added on a new bit to the waltz which consisted of a check forward, a step out to the side, and a type of whisk and chasse. I am sorry I know I do not know my waltz terms yet but don't come for me okay!✋Lol. We practiced that with music and then moved onto another new step. This was basically a side chasse. Again, I do not know my waltz terms yet so don't come for me!✋ We tried that with music and then moved on to a completely different style, the samba. We basically repeated what we did before but added a side step in before returning to our samba basic. Then we just finished on that. Hopefully next lesson, we will be doing paso doblé because we haven't done a lot on that but ...

10 things I'm proud of - Lifestyle Monday

Hello everybody and welcome back to another blog post, Here are 10 things that I am proud of: Having started blogging and sharing my opinions to the world. Getting my first distinction in hip-hop. Having danced at the Royal Albert Hall. Getting myself into the senior group in ballroom. Caring little about what others think of me. Proving that I was able to get myself into middle set maths. Getting to meet Jacqueline Wilson in person. Not giving up on getting my back walk over and achieving it. Dancing on my own in an exam. Zip-ling over a canyon and facing my fear of heights. The list goes on.  What are some of the things you are proud of? Let me know in the comments below and I will be sure to reply to them. See you next time, Bye, XOX, Juliette  My social media handles: Instagram My YouTube channel My second blog: My reading blog

Rise unbroken's golden buzzer routine- was it a good dance or a sad story- Against the norm- Dance Saturday

Hello everybody and welcome back to another blog post, Rise Unbroken,a dance group who wowed the BGT judges with their moving performance, are now known to the dance community. But why? Is it because they performed an amazing routine? Or because they tried to spread their moving story? At the centre of the group, was 13 year old Hollie booth, who was a victim of the Manchester terror attack and suddenly found herself in a wheelchair. Which I could imagine, probably had a massive effect on her dancing dreams. Hollie attended Ariana's concert in Manchester with her mum and her aunt, Kelly Brewster, who unfortunately died in the attack.  Hollie suffered two broken legs and has since undergone 11 operations. Without a splint, she is unable to walk with her left leg. Obviously, due to this, their were limits to what she could do on her wheelchair but she continued to dance and because of that she became known to the community. I did actually enjoy the routine. I think with aud...

The scary truth about technology-Writing Wednesday

Hello everybody and welcome back to another blog post, I spend a lot of time online. Whether it's blogging, posting a YouTube video, or posting a couple things on Instagram, I spend a lot of time online. I think a lot of people my age do too. It's not a bad thing; I've seen the internet take people further in life than I ever expected. For example, Zoella's first YouTube video was about the things in her bedroom and now, she has got over 10 million subscribers on her platform. That is a huge success. On the contrary, as well as this there are down sides to technology. If we rely on it too much, the day that it stops working, we will lose everything. A few months back I went to one of my small local Tescos with my mum to do some food shopping. We had got everything we needed and we were about to pay when the checkout stopped working. My mum and a few other customers could not pay using their cards. We waited quite a long time before we had to go to customer services to...

Why learning about history is important-Lifestyle Monday

Hello everybody and welcome back to another blog post, I love learning about history in school. We get to learn about the funny, stupid, and also emotional parts of the past that we haven't seen in our lifetime. The most common answer to the question, "why is learning about history important?" is simply, because it allows us to learn from our past mistakes. I personally do not understand this answer. I am sure that most of us know that it is not okay to brush your teeth with sugar or to chuck a hand-grenade at someone  else. Although, on the contrary, some of the biggest mistakes in history were all planted as a small seed in someone's mind. We could perhaps argue that had Gavrillo Princip not come up with the idea to assassinate Archduke Franz Ferdinand, The First World War may have never happened.  We could also argue that had Adolf Hitler never thought of making Germany great again, perhaps, The Second World War may have never happened. It is clear, from histor...

Is Julia Carlile Insprational?- Against the norm- Dance Saturday

Hello everybody and welcome back to another blog post, First and foremost, welcome to this new series. Recently, I've been noticing that there has been so many more people with disabilities doing dance. Jordan Matter, a dance photographer, has even been highlighting this on his YouTube channel by inviting dancers with perhaps a tough background to explain their story and so far, his videos have blown up. This series is to explore the meaning as to why they are so inspirational to the dance community. Is it because of their disability/background, the fact that they're a good dancer, or both? This series is really just about finding out what made them an inspirational asset to society and finding out if the word inspirational over used. I would also like to say that everything that I say in these posts will all just be my opinion. If you have a different opinion to mine, I will give you the chance to explain it in the comments section below, providing that it is constructive. N...

Is her writing powerful just because she survived?- Helga's diary- The power of writing- Writing Wednesday

Hello everybody and welcome back to another blog post, We all know the famous diary by Anne Frank known as "The Diary of a Young girl." The diary that showed Jewish isolation and separation in Nazi occupied areas. Anne Frank went into hiding with her family when her sister, Margot, got a disguised letter sending her to a work camp. Unfortunately, the Franks were captured by the Gestapo. Separated from their family, Anne and her sister died of disease.  Anne's story is no doubt sad but we tend to hear a lot about the people who didn't survive. What about the people who did? Helga was a young Jewish,Czech girl who grew up in Prague. During the Nazi occupation, Helga's family were given a letter stating that they must leave their beloved apartment. They were then sent to a ghetto called Terezin. Then, her and her mother were sent to the concentration camp Auchswitsz, in Poland. She left her diary behind and later, when she was liberated, she retrieved her old not...

It's a Monday, so let's get motivated for the week ahead!- Lifestyle Monday

Hello everybody and welcome back to another blog post, I want to start off by saying that everyone who is reading this currently, is more then capable of achieving what they want to achieve this week, if they put their minds to it! Mondays do not have to be the very beginnings of a stressful working week, they can be the beginnings of a week full of hard work and achievements. Wake up every Monday and see the blank canvas of opportunity stretch out in front of you! Here are some inspirational quotes to get you motivated for this week! What do you fear the most about this week or in the near future? Let me know in the comments below and maybe I could offer some help or advice! See you next time, Bye, XOX, Juliette Strong? Powerful? Fearless? Then hit that follow button or subscribe to become a part of the #pagetrouperfam! A family of empowering and positive minds! My social media handles: Instagram My YouTube channel My second blog: M...

How to choreograph a routine + My routine to Happier by Ed Sheeran- Dance Saturday

Hello everybody and welcome back to another blog post, I think that as a dancer, you always have to know how to choreograph a routine. You never know when you might need to come up with a routine whether it's for an audition, solo etc. I know that there have been times when I've had to come up with a routine on a spot. So it's always good that you guys know how to do so. Recently, I choreographed a routine to Happier by Ed Sheeran. It was a contemporary piece since It fit with the song. The first thing that I would recommend, if you can, is to choose a style that best fits with the song. I know that in the past, when I was told to devise a routine, we were given the choice on what styles we did and we all chose similar styles because they worked best with the song.  You also want to put an emotion that fits best with the routine that you're doing. If you're doing a sad piece put in sad emotions. If you're doing a happy routine, then put in happy emotions. ...

"A guy don't need no sense to be a nice fella..," Of Mice And Men- The power of Writing- Writing Wednesday

Hello everybody and welcome back to another blog post, I'm sure most of us know about the great American author who wrote many of the iconic books like Of Mice And Men and Cannery Row. John Steinbeck is who we will be talking about today. Interestingly, as I was researching John Steinbeck on Wikepedia, one of the key words that stood out to me were "for his keen social perception." I've read two of Steinbeck's books in the past and admittedly, the plot to his stories are very simple. Most authors try to create an interesting and detailed plot to lure in the reader but Steinbeck does not follow this trend. This is what makes his books really interesting to read. Due to the fact that the plot is very simple, it makes the story to the reader seem more real and relatable. In day to day life we may not always experience a climax or a happy ending to our story.  Steinbeck's most outstanding book was Of Mice And Men. In his early life, Steinbeck lived in a smal...

Back to school supplies haul- Lifestyle Monday

Hello everybody and welcome back to another blog post,  It's sad but true. Unfortunately, it's back to school. Although, I am actually excited to go back to school and get back to the normal routine. I've had a great holiday but all good things must come to an end. As most of you know, I live life on the cheap so all of these in the haul are not necessarily aesthetically pleasing, but more so practical. As most of you also may know, my favourite shop to shop at is Tesco because it has cheap but good value products so I would 100% recommend going there for literally anything. A pink pencil case for everyday use. A clear pencil case for exams as I will be starting my GCSEs this year. Highlighters for highlighting important stuff during revision and lessons. Sticky notes for revision. A new mathematical instruments set since other one broke along with the things inside it. Pencils for maths and science diagrams. A large long-...

How to use your face more in dance- Dance Saturday

Hello everybody and welcome back to another blog post,  Dance is an excellent art form for expressing yourself and your emotions. These expressions not only occur in the body, but also in the face. Over the 7 years that I've been dancing, I've seen many different types of dancers. Those who dance well in the body and use their face to exaggerate the movements. Those who perhaps forget the steps that they're doing in the dance but are not afraid to use their face. Then lastly, like me for a long time, those who dance well in the body but forget to use their face. The last one is certainly not uncommon. Especially as teenagers, we may find it awkward to do a sassy or funny face because we think that others may find it weird. However, by using our faces not only does it express every emotion in every movement, but it also makes you look confident and stand out to the crowd. Although I am better at this now, there have been times where I've found it difficult.  As some ...


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