
Showing posts from December, 2018

New years resolutions for 2019

Hello everybody and welcome back to another blog post, Today I'm going to be making some new year resolutions for 2019. This time last year I made a few new years resolutions for 2018 and although I succeeded at completing some of them, many of them I did not complete. That's okay, but in order to ensure that my chances of completing them are higher this year, I need to be determined and keep looking back on my goals. So without further a do, here are my new years resolutions. Enjoy! Go to Berlin. I am going on a history trip for 5 days to Berlin, Germany in April. I've got my passport ready already and I can't wait to go! Start teaching dance or do something in work experience involving dance. I am hoping to start teaching dance perhaps part-time or for a small amount of hours since I'm only 14 but I do want to become a choreographer when I'm older so I thought it would be useful. If this is unable to happen, I was hoping of asking my dance studio or my ...

What I got for Christmas 2018

Hello everybody and welcome back to another blog post, Christmas for me, has gone by so quickly! I think it's because we had my God siblings come over up until Christmas Eve and we just completely skipped the flow of Christmas. Not that we didn't have a good time doing Christmas things with them but when it came to Christmas Eve, I just couldn't believe that it was Christmas Day the next day already. Nether the less, Christmas Day came and I am just so grateful for all the gifts I received. Christmas Day for me is all about seeing the kindness in people and I definitely saw that this Christmas. I know Christmas can be a horrific time for some families in the UK and across the world. I recently watched Rich House Poor House Christmas Special and it showed me just that. The family on the poorer end of the spectrum had to spend the whole of their last Christmas in emergency housing with two kids and an expecting single mother around strangers. The show is based around the ...

How I spent Christmas Eve and Christmas Day

Hello everybody and welcome back to another blog post, Before I get onto how I spent Christmas Eve and Christmas Day, can I inform you that I recently published a slideshow featuring a few extra fun clips from my trip to London on my YouTube channel. I wrote all about the day on my previous post and I decided to make a slideshow to go with it. The link is below if you want to see it! Now, let's see how I spent my Christmas! Christmas Eve was a kind of bittersweet day because it was exciting since it was Christmas Eve but it was also sad because my God siblings had to go back to Paris to spend their Christmas. They had to wake up at 6:30am to get ready for their morning flight. Me and my sister made an effort to wake up at around 7:15am since we wanted to say goodbye to them before they left. Even at 7:15am and even though at the time I had a terrible cold, we still woke up with each other which was nice. Then it was time to say goodbye officially. There were a lot of hugs and k...

Blogmas day 17 - A day out in London

Hello everybody and welcome back to another blog post, Luckily today, I woke up a little better than the day before. I had coughed quite a bit during the night and Marion and Alice heard so we were a little tired waking up but my throat definitely didn't feel as soar. We got up at around 7:30am to have breakfast since we needed to catch the train at 9:27am. I had my usual tea and toast with jam. After, I got dressed, packed my bag and I was ready to go! Me,my mum, and my sister went in one car whilst my dad, Thomas, Marion, and Romain went in the other because there wasn't enough room in one car.  We arrived at 9:15am and we waited at the station in the warm for a little bit. We talked to some friendly people, one by the name of Dawn. They were really nice and were happy to see some more French people in the area for once. Then, at 9:27am the train arrived and we got on. It was an hour and a half journey and for the entire time, Alice, Thomas and me had to stand since the...

Blogmas day 16- Sick on the holidays!

Hello everybody and welcome back to another blog post, Great, I have a cold! I've been feeling run down ever since I finished the school term. It's a bit annoying really since my God brother and sister came over from France. They arrived at around 9:00pm on Thursday. They were going to eat with us so me and my sister had to wait for them to arrive from Heathrow airport which is about an hour and thirty minutes from our house. I think they were expecting our house to be closer. Never the less, they arrived and we ate the pasta bake my mum had made us whilst reminiscing about the old days and how much we've grown. We talked for a little longer then, because I was so sick, I decided to go to bed. It was around 10 to 11 anyway.  The next day was a Friday and I woke up at about 8:00am with an extremely parched throat. I had to scramble for my water bottle just to quench my thirst. I hadn't slept the best but I didn't feel too bad anyway. I watched a bit of YouTube an...

Blogmas day 15- The end is near!

Hello everybody and welcome back to another blog post, The end of school is fast approaching. By the time you read this, it would be my last day of the term. I will only have four fifty minute lessons consisting of English, Biology, Maths and a celebrations assembly. Joy! I may have to stand up in front of the entire year just to receive a certificate for attendance. Haha.  Not only is it the end of the year but it is also the end of the school production 1918 which I wrote about in my previous post. I did a suffragette piece. This time, my parents came to watch. I thought they were only going to watch the part I was in but they ended up watching the entire play. They really enjoyed it and there were lots of positive comments about the routine. I didn't really enjoy the play and I thought we made a few mistakes on the routine but I was glad about the positive and nice comments on it. I am also glad that it's over and I get to rest. Haha. Overall, I am happy with what I ac...

Blogmas day 14- So how did the school production go?

Hello everybody and welcome back to another blog post, I've mentioned this in a previous post but as some of you may know, I took part in my schools production called "1918" where I did a suffragette section with my dance class all about women getting the right to vote. To be honest, I don't know why I signed up to do it. I suppose I just wanted to show that I was really committed in dance and perhaps it sounded like a good idea at the time. In rehearsals however, we were practicing the routine to the soundtrack of "This is me" from the Greatest Showman but in the real thing, we had to dance to an orchestra. Not even a professional orchestra. No offense to some of the singers but they can't sing, so that makes the whole dance seem awful. On Friday was our first performance in front of some year sixes from a nearby primary school. We messed up the timing. Our school stage has steps and we did a bit of choreography on those. We went up and down and up an...

Blogmas day 13- Favourite dance icons of 2018!

Hello everybody and welcome back to another blog post, Surprisingly, I've found so many new and interesting dancers this year. Many of them have inspired me to push on in the dance industry so I thought it might be a good idea to share some with you today! Hope you enjoy. :) Claudia Dean Coaching. There are so many dancers that I can go on and on about but the one that really inspires me the most is Claudia. She's been in professional ballet companies such as the Royal Ballet company but she decided that it wasn't for her and started up her own coaching business for young,aspiring dancers to be. Her drive and determination has lead to her huge success. She now has I believe, 2 dance clothing lines and a huge and ever growing YouTube channel. Such dancers really do inspire me and deserve to be mentioned on this blog. Julia Carlile. I found her through watching Britain's Got Talent. I didn't find her routine with Mersey Girls excellent or original, but the fact ...

Blogmas day 12- The Strictly final and winner!😮

Hello everybody and welcome back to another blog post, Yesterday evening, we watched the Strictly Come Dancing final. It's so strange that its all coming to an end. Every Strictly final, we always have a special meal. My mum had a free day yesterday. Whilst most bakers would stop baking, my mum continued baking. But she enjoys it because it's not for a client so that's the main thing! Haha. For mains, we had burgers. My mum discovered this Korean pickle known as Kimchi. It was delicious and it worked so well with the burgers. I had 2; definitely too much! Lol. For desert we had steamed pudding. We were going to have sticky toffee pudding at first but decided on steamed since it's not as sweet. It was really nice, especially with the cream on top. As usual, it was a long wait to find out who the Strictly winner was. There was a lot of talk from the contestants about their Strictly experience. Then there was the drum roll and the winner was Stacey and Kevin. ...

Blogmas day 11- The Christmas tag!

Hello everybody and welcome back to another blog post, I was stuck on what to post today and I saw a few bloggers post Christmas tags so I thought it was a good idea to post one myself! Hope you enjoy. :) As a kid, did a sibling ever receive a present that you wished was for you? No. Me and my sister liked different things so that never really occured and we were generally quite grateful for the presents we received. Be honest: do you like giving gifts or receiving gifts better? I like both. I love receiving gifts from friends and family but I also like giving gifts to others. Do you make New Years resolutions? Do you stick to them? Yes I do make new years resolutions but the majority of them I don't stick to. Lol. Do you open any presents on Christmas Eve? No, we've always had a tradition of opening all our presents on Christmas day. I know that some people open a few presents on Christmas Eve though. :) Do you visit a poor people's places on ...

Blogmas day 10- What I hope to get this Christmas

Hello everybody and welcome back to another blog post, I usually struggle to find things that I want for Christmas. However, with so many new things coming out I haven't been short on ideas this year. Here are a few of my choices. Enjoy! Professor Noel Fitzpatrick's book 'becoming the Supervet.' As well as dance, I also like animals and I've been really enjoying the programme called 'The Supervet' on TV about a bionic vet known as Professor Noel Fitzpatrick. That's why when I heard about the release of his new book, I really wanted to read it. 'All things bright and beautiful' by James Herriot. I'm close to finishing his first memoire 'All creatures great and small.' I tried reading this before but I was quite young so I didn't quite understand the writing style. However, now that I'm rereading it, I have come to terms with the writing style and I actually quite enjoy the story. It's really funny. That is why I decid...

Blogmas day 9- Christmas isn't always great for everyone- Ways we can give back this Christmas

Hello everybody and welcome back to another blog post, I am very fortunate to receive lots of amazing presents under the Christmas tree every year from clothes to electronics. However, i'm sure we've seen countless adverts on TV talking about some of the hardships some people worldwide and in our local communities have to go through. And whilst it's amazing to receive such amazing presents from the people we love, we have to remember that some people don't get that luxury. Consequently, it's always important to think of the ways we can give back. Here are a few examples! Donate food to a food bank. As I've mentioned in my Blogmas day 3 post, me and my family gave a can of peas to the food bank on the day we bought our Christmas tree. A can of peas is not a lot but it's practical and its also something. A kind man was handing out a leaflet about the food bank and instead of walking past him we decided it was a good idea to give back. I know that there ar...


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